@Montreal Canadiens

Habs are on pace to break the franchise record set last year of most goals against in a season (317, first time it was over 300 too)

Habs are on pace to break the franchise record set last year of most goals against in a season (317, first time it was over 300 too)

by jshare


  1. DeadlyChinchilla

    Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn, we are tanking goddammit, let the tank be

  2. DburgH4L

    We just have been getting worse goaltending this year last year Allen was playing really well some games

  3. ForumsGhost

    Probably got a shot at that 100 goal difference of for and against again

  4. We’ve been running 5 rookies at D on the regular and there’s a lot of passengers forwards that don’t back check so it shows. Anyways, all good for the draft, which is the most important part of this season.

  5. G_skins31

    I know it’s more fun to make fun of how bad we are and hope for a good draft pick but we are in REALLY bad shape as a franchise and I’m terrified at how long it could take to become just playoff regulars again

  6. OlivierDF

    And even with this information we are still projecting to finish 4th to last in the standings. That’s crazy to me. Some teams really want Bedard like us huh.

  7. maximyzer

    ” Canadiens’ commitment to defence “

  8. DislocatedXanax


    For all the years Bergevin wasn’t able to accept a full rebuild while the fans screamed for one, this is what it looks like.

  9. Futur_alliance

    They might be, but up until december 1st, nearly 2 months in and a 12-10 record, they had only allowed 78 goals. But since then? Another 78. In just a little over a month.

  10. bobert727

    I’m just annoyed at the start of the season they had. Will be hard to drop down to 32nd lol

  11. Not a surprise since many of our defensemen have been getting injured.

  12. We had good goalies for a loooong time to have no season from late 90s, early 2000s in this list.

  13. imhere8888

    Ducharme reading this with a fine glass of cognac

  14. I just feel bad it’s hitting MSL and his stats as a coach. Doesn’t reflect his coaching abilities

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