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Epley Maneuver for Vertigo – Ask Doctor Jo

The Epley Maneuver for Vertigo can be very effective at relieving vertigo symptoms, but it’s a procedure that should be performed by a physical therapist or other health care professional. This video is for demonstration purposes only. See Doctor Jo’s blog post about the Epley Maneuver at:

Again, the Epley Maneuver should be performed by a health professional. I do NOT recommend doing it on your own or having someone else who has never performed it before perform to perform it on you.

With that said, many of you have asked about it, so here is how it is performed. Always explain what you are going to do with the person. This will increase dizziness and it can be scary. It might also, in rare cases, cause someone to get sick, so I recommend having a bucket near by.

On a bed or treatment table, have the person get into a long sit position with their legs out in front of them. Get them close enough to the edge so their head will hang off when you bring them down. Turn their head to the involved side at a 45 degree angle (this is the side they feel dizzy when they turn in that direction). You want them to be completely relaxed, and you are doing all the movements for them. Then with their head turned, very quickly bring them down with their head off the edge in about 20-30 degrees extension. Hold them in this position for 30 seconds to a minute. You are looking for their eyes to be bouncing side to side. This is called a nystagmus. During this time, the person will feel dizzy, and might want to sit up. Try to keep them relaxed and let them know the dizziness should go away soon.

Once the eyes stop moving or slow down, then turn their head to the other side at a 45 degree angle and keep the 20-30 degrees extension. Wait another 30 seconds to a minute and look for the nystagmus. Hopefully it will be less already and they won’t feel as dizzy.

Now, keeping their head at a 45 degree angle, have them turn to their side, the way their head is already pointing. As they do this, slowly start to tuck their chin in. Wait another 30 seconds to a minute, and then slowly help them sit up by bringing their knees up and dropping their legs off the side while pushing up with their hand.

Slowly bring their head back into a neutral position looking straight forward, and hopefully all the spinning and dizziness will be gone. Now you should instruct them to keep that upright position for 48 hours, so they might have to sleep in a recliner or chair. Also, if you have a soft neck collar, that will help them keep their head in a neutral position to allow the crystals to settle back into their normal position.

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Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Vertigo Epley Maneuver:

DISCLAIMER: This video and any related comments are not medical advice. Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy; however, she is not YOUR Physical Therapist and can’t possibly diagnose you through the Internet. So don’t use this information to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they have given you. This information should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any medical condition. If you are not properly diagnosed, this information won’t help, and it could make things worse. If you experience any pain, stop immediately and see your healthcare professional.


  1. How many times a day you need to do it? And what time is best to do it? Thank you so much

  2. For the past 10 years I have vertigo😢 It comes very 2 weeks and it’s so embarrassing!! Please doc help me get rid of it please 😭😭

  3. I did this today, it felt miserable, especially at the end position lying on my side, head at 45, resting at 30. Yikes. Room was spinning. I am going to sleep upright tonight and hope this did the trick.

    My vertigo was dormant for 4 to 5 years and I recently started weight training again. That is the only thing I can think of causing this, the only change in my routine. Heavy lifting/straining can be the trigger? Any thoughts on this Dr. Jo? Thank you 🙏

  4. Question: Can I do the Epley Maneuver every day even if I don't feel dizzy or will this be a bad thing to do?

  5. Hi mam.. am from India I really have bad vertigo problem since 7months please help me to figure it out.. day by day it is getting worse I can't stand properly without support

  6. Glad found this video, my mom was suffer last night and i try this method 3 times then she's puke and sleep…. Next in the morning she feel so much much better, thank you very much doctor! I love you ❤❤

  7. had the manvoure done a few weeks ago , cured the dizziness but still a bit light headed , should i continue doing the manovure ?

  8. I cured my mom's vertigo with help of your video. I have read about Dix Hall picke and Epley maneuver but your demonstration is pretty good. Thanks. ❤

  9. I think ive got vertigo – drs app this afternoon. Just want the world to stop spinning

  10. I have had vertigo for as long as I remember I'm 27 years old.
    It's really scary, and the worst part of it is that is can come out of nowhere. 3 days ago I went to bed pefectly fine, no signs of vertigo and woke up to nonstop spinning for about 20 minutes. When I walk I feel like the whole earth shakes. I found your video, but it scared me to try it becuase of your "trigger warning" in the begining.

    My question: what can really go wrong if someone unprofessional does it?

  11. This exercise seems to work for me. My heart goes out to all the vertigo sufferers, we should have a support group lol. Thanks Dr Jo.

  12. I have been trying to get rid of my vertigo for few months, have tinnitus on my right ears, started late last year due major sinus infection and when I had vertigo attack, I was also throwing up. after, my sinus infection surgery, everything went away for six months or so. Now, I get dizzy but not throwing up, I have tried your exercises and doing every day right after I wake up, but i still have it once a week. I would appreciate your recommendation. BTW, you were highly recommended by my DR. Gureshi. Many thanks.

  13. Question: do you do this procedure just once in a session, or should you do it 2 or 3 times or more until you feel results?

    And for me, the worst part is the sitting up part. 🤢

  14. I got vertigo due to head injury but mine is actually healing quickly the first day was terrible i vomited that day but afterwards i dont feel much of anything unless i lie down and turn my head to the right i am getting less and less dizzy tho this is my 4th day i dont even want to imagine what a severe vertigo feels like

  15. Hi Dr Jo I have bpbv left ear I feel dizzy spell and headache I m trying epley manuver last 2 days 2 times but my dizzy spell and headache and imbalanced is cont.what I do plz help me

  16. Hello Dr. Jo, how often should I repeat the maneuver per day? My vertigo started 1 week ago left side ear. MRI was negative.

  17. This is the only thing that helps my mom when she has an occasional episode of vertigo. We’ve been doing it for years. It helps her recover much faster instead of taking days.

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