**Wednesday, January 04 – Tuesday, January 10**
###Top videos
| score | comments | title & link |
| 61 | [6 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/105dqhb/tpose_bob_has_come_to_bring_your_w_tonight/) | [T-POSE BOB HAS COME TO BRING YOUR W TONIGHT](https://v.redd.it/7ub8auu4cjaa1)|
| 44 | [0 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/105e6ts/highway_bobbery/) | [HIGHWAY BOBBERY](https://v.redd.it/gwsetun6gjaa1)|
| 6 | [0 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/106y21u/recap_fla_dal/) | [Recap: FLA @ DAL](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/8691088/13942940/9ad76e2f-8ea6-46d2-b2c9-b3e01635c3c6.mp4)|
| 3 | [0 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/105dxel/recap_fla_det/) | [Recap: FLA @ DET](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/8645980/13857889/53d9c49c-ddff-4db7-b257-99eab46c8da2.mp4)|
| 3 | [1 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/108me3b/paul_maurice_panthers_pregame_florida_at_colorado/) | [Paul Maurice, Panthers Pregame: Florida at Colorado Avalanche](https://youtu.be/8SqvAUMIjCU)|
###Top Remaining Posts
| score | comments | title & link |
| 141 | [24 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/108lthw/petition_to_bring_back_sweetness_as_the_goal_song/) | [🚨 Petition to bring back Sweetness as the goal song 🚨](https://i.redd.it/dit0podutbba1.jpg)|
| 104 | [7 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/105dakk/current_excitement_level/) | [Current excitement level](https://i.redd.it/xzg11vs2qkaa1.jpg)|
| 52 | [12 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/104e8rw/i_found_my_old_hat_can_you_make_out_the_signatures/) | I found my old hat, can you make out the signatures?|
| 48 | [7 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/1070z1y/winnipeg_jets_fan_comes_in_peace/) | Winnipeg Jets fan comes in peace|
| 46 | [0 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/106z2ku/i_had_some_many_titlesat_this_point_you_can_make/) | [I had some many titles…at this point you can make one as well. I just can’t get over the resemblance.](https://i.redd.it/tfjqnlkduwaa1.jpg)|
| 45 | [1 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/103189m/knight_on_his_first_nhl_point_ive_been_trying_to/) | [Knight on his first NHL point: “I’ve been trying to get a goal for a bit, but I’ll take an assist.”](https://twitter.com/jamesoncoop/status/1610474254427881474?s=46&t=7QO6vjLPcJu_y8Iq61qrlw)|
| 44 | [4 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/1056ylx/sergei_bobrovsky_will_make_his_11th_start_in_the/) | [Sergei Bobrovsky will make his 11th start in the past 14 games tonight vs Detroit.](https://i.redd.it/jg2zb4xhejaa1.jpg)|
| 42 | [20 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/1065b0s/derek_mackenzie_behind_the_bench_of_the_sudbury/) | [Derek MacKenzie behind the bench of the Sudbury Wolves tonight. Wouldn’t he look good behind the Florida bench?? 🤔](https://i.redd.it/cih0m7wefraa1.jpg)|
| 41 | [1 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/10318o6/tkachuks_just_getting_started_i_have_a_whole_lot/) | [Tkachuk’s just getting started: “I have a whole lot more to give and another level to get to. Hopefully I can pick it up here in the second half.”](https://twitter.com/jamesoncoop/status/1610478251348226049?s=46&t=7QO6vjLPcJu_y8Iq61qrlw)|
| 34 | [27 comments](/r/FloridaPanthers/comments/103ob8r/we_are_in_serious_serious_trouble_right_now/) | We are in serious, serious trouble right now.|
by subredditsummarybot
1 Comment
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