@Tampa Bay Lightning

The Chase Begins

“Our regular season sprint has come to a close.”

The Chase Begins.

Narrated by Alex Killorn.

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  1. Lets go boys keep this simple play your hearts out lets go it starts with florida lets go we believe⚡️⚡️⚡️

  2. This is AWESOME!!! I wish I would of found this earlier But Hey Better Late Then Never…Right? Amazing Games 1 2 and 3 except for the L but Everything Happens For A REASON!!

    Excited For Game 4!!! I'm going to have to pass and relay My Magic Lightning FAN Baton to Kayleigh and Ryann McEnany to Cheer you guys on and finish the series and the race to Chase The Cup!!! I can't seem to get over this Tom Brady and Gronk Hurdle since I was never really good at jumping over those hurdles since there to close together. I can jump but for some reason not over those so that probably means I can't then. We will find out later. I'm more of a Sprinter, Middle Distance, Long Distance Runner…..Stamina is where its at!!!

    Anyways Long Story Short- I Need Help Beating Brady and Gronk and Go Lightning!!! Thanks Lightning, Your The Best!!!

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