@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: The DeSmith dilemma

Casey DeSmith’s not all bad, but is he really the best choice for backup?

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► ABOUT US: DK Pittsburgh Sports is the proud, pioneering, fully independent venture begun in 2014 by award-winning columnist Dejan Kovacevic and featuring a professional staff covering the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates year-round and everywhere they go! This is where it all started! And WE’VE only gotten started!


  1. DK, first of all: as you know I love tuning into both your daily shots of Pens & Steelers (Why bother with the Pirates/ sell the team already…) Do you think this team with a full and healthy lineup is a playoff shot? Tanger has just had horrible circumstances this season and it’s effected the team because that’s what great teammates do: support each other. As fans we wish him the absolute best, regardless of any game or outcome.

  2. Casey desmith is still better than tokarski he just had a really bad night all goaltenders do.

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