@National Hockey League

Should this have been a penalty?

Should this have been a penalty?

by Get-Cancelled


  1. tbiblaine23

    Very clearly incidental. If you want to show some missed penalties in that game you could show the 4 they didn’t call on the leafs

  2. DBCrapper

    By definition of the rule it’s interference

  3. kadran2262

    Should it have been called, probably . But I could see how it could be considered incidental contact, and usually, these types of things aren’t called

  4. Yes. If the “incidental” hit that took away a goal against the leafs in the playoffs was called so should have this

  5. mustangkid89

    Absolutely a penalty interference all the way that’s not to even mention how dangers this could have been

  6. autopainter45

    I would say interference. Looks like he tried to make it look accidental

  7. tidder44444

    Clearly intentional. Slo mo video. He takes his left hand off his stick and hits dude in the head.

  8. Rowdy_Roddy96

    The thing that upsets me about this is say this was a playoff series and the roles were reversed and a player like Engvall or Holl did this to someone else they would call it a 5Min Major and a Game Misconduct plus the league would hand out a 1GM suspension to the player as well. It’s BS

  9. jonnycanuck67

    It is an obvious pick play… there was nothing unintentional about this at all… he is skating the wrong direction on the play…

  10. 1984isnowpleb

    I’ll get negged but this is incidental collision

  11. moose_king88

    In real time and based off of my memory it looks pretty similar to the hit that got Perry ejected from the Winter Classic back in 2020

  12. Ill-Fan-857

    Doesn’t look intentional to me, Kampf took a stride to his right at the last second, and Niederreiter tensed up up at the last second like he wasn’t expecting the hit to come.

    It would have been on Nieterreiter to avoid Kampf at that point, so it was definitely a missed minor for interference. However, there was no intentional attempt to make head contact or even make a hit, so nothing beyond that.

  13. zakl2014

    Kampf cut over pretty sharp to make a play at the last second.

    I think he caught the other player off guard a bit for sure. Maybe it could have been an interference penalty live, but nothing more.

  14. GOTDOGE69

    Accidental or not, contact with no puck is interference. The refs have been so inconsistent lately, and always making excuses for non-calls, it’s starting to get out of hand.

  15. PersonalityLiving300

    Move on, nothing to see here but interference.

  16. Character_Bad4854

    The nhl itself doesn’t even have an answer to this…. Like are they hard calling everything that fits the mould or not? This by definition interference but doesn’t look intentional.

  17. BeanBagChairBob

    Yea? Looks like he hit him in the head to me or am I just blind?

  18. Ill_Winner_6971

    Always should be interference. I wish they called picks more frequently.

  19. Valuable-Baked

    I was gonna say no but saw that elbow up at the end and him trying to sell it like a defensive back holding the wr’s # he ripped off the jersey

  20. zachofalltrades47

    only seeing THIS video… incidental, but COULD be called interference.

  21. justaguy826

    Yes, obviously. Whether he meant to do it is up for debate, but it’s clearly interference whether there was intent or not.

  22. godlovesbacon26

    He knows where the puck is. It’s not like a surprise, absolutely interference.

  23. Woodrovski

    Umm yes. But of course it wasn’t called

  24. GrizzlyIsland22

    It’s incidental contact. Kampf changed direction at the last second. Otherwise, they would have skated right past each other. He was also skating backward, not looking where he was going

  25. AvsFan2000

    Compared to what Makar gets called for for interference, this should be a double minor.

  26. RexStardust

    TIL skating the wrong way on a play is “incidental contact.”

  27. You can definitely argue both parties here.

    Kampf did move over last second, and Neiderreiter did get his up but since he didn’t drop his shoulder I think he’s just protecting himself trying not to go down. Hell, me as a player bound for beer league had the mind to get my arm up for a collision instead of just getting hit. I don’t blame him one bit.

    Neither is it a dive or interference in my mind as a ref, but I definitely could see the argument for a first time viewer or the ref on the ice if that was the call.

  28. tlcextreme

    Interference all the way. He knew what he was doing setting that screen.

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