@Florida Panthers

Ed Reed goes full Colin Kaepernick! Calls NFL players “Field Slaves” after Damar Hamlin injury!

Ed Reed goes full Colin Kaepernick! Calls NFL players “Field Slaves” after Damar Hamlin injury!


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  1. Ed may look like Fredrick Douglas but he sure as hell doesn't sound like him…Fredrick knew what real slavery looked like. I guess all the millions of $ he made playing the game must have felt pure oppression🤔🤔🤔

  2. Tired to listen to the same old shit. When they were collecting all that money you don't hear a damn thing a bunch of fucking hypocrites. Guaranteed like Kyler Murray and Denver QB Russell Wilson come on man

  3. Sign me up for this slavery, cause I would love the paychecks, and lifestyle these players have

  4. Sign me up right now!!!! I will gladly be a Field Slave, and I will do it for 1/2 the price.

  5. Well no body has to play in the NFL so if you think they treat you like slave you can turn down the million dollar contracts.

  6. I'm Sicilian Africans went to Sicily killed the men, and raped the women. Black people don't give a damn about that. So sick of these racist black people attacking the white race, and riding on the coattails up their ancestors who actually were slaves.

  7. I honestly don’t understand why former million players keep saying this. Interesting how it’s always a former not current player that says this. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  8. DeShaun Watson makes 1.5 million dollars PER GAME. Where do I sign up to be a part of this horrible 'abuse'??

  9. Wondering just where NFL players might be if NOT for football and the NFL. What % goes to college? What percentage never finishes high school? Degrees? What % of the guys that have made the NFL would be incarcerated or vastly under employed if not for the NFL?

  10. Field slaves? So let me get this straight. Most of these guys are paid at least a million dollars over the average 3-year NFL career. Most of these guys would not be in very high paying jobs outside of the NFL and yet they are forced into doing this line of work? Please. I did say most not all, most would do well to make 30k a year if not for the NFL, so spare me the whining Ed. Maybe they should just be thankful for their God given athletic talent.

  11. I absolutely remember my history books saying the slaves earned millions of dollars per year. Reed, krapperdick, et al are idiots.

  12. I wonder if this jackass would have been successful if he would’ve done something other than being a professional football player?

  13. Sorry there Ed, no one forced you to play the game.. But I'm sure you didn't have a problem picking up that check… What a jackass.

  14. If millionaire’s playing the greatest “GAME” are slaves than what are the young men and women serving our country sacrificing themselves for the greater good of the country? This dude says they make slave wages while these soldiers make so little they have to apply for food stamps!!! Absolutely disgusting he should be ashamed for being so ungrateful!

  15. These players need to understand they are all product of an entertainment business and they will chew them up and spit them out until their brain is mush and next player up. Shut up and play, or don’t. So tired or making it more than it it is in my life. Wonder what ol’ antonio brown would be up to with out being good at catching an inflated ball of leather.

  16. Equal opportunity that must mean that the white players are field slave's too, I mean if he is calling NFL players field slave's. If he is NFL players field slave's he must be talking about the players of old the ones who gave everything to play for not the amount of money they make today and true NFL football was smash mouth football not the type of football where you can get penalties for for just about anything, chopblock, roughing the quarterback, targeting, roughing the kicker, years ago just a part of the game, as was play the game one day and go to work at a regular job the next day. Also slave's no matter what color of skin didn't choose to be slave's they were made slave's these football players choose to be football players or whatever sport they choose to play not forced to play. Did anyone notice that the former player talking was wearing a bathune cookman t shirt?

  17. Whelp, since they are so called "field slaves" then that means they shouldn't get paid a dime. I can think of a lot of other people who would be grateful to get a portion of hid salary.

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