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Understanding is the Krafts 'nudged' Bill Belichick into Patriots coaching press release

Andrew Callahan joins Mike Felger and Michael Holley on Boston Sports Tonight to react to the unprecedented move by the New England Patriots to release an official press release announcing that they are negotiating a contract extension with Jerod Mayo and will start the process to hire a new offensive coordinator next week. What does this mean for the relationship between Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick, and what’s next for the Patriots” coaching staff? The guys discuss all that and more.

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  1. Would be the first right move in awhile if they actually get this done. I have nothing against Steve B but please name Mayo the DC they did it with flores idk why they can't with Mayo the man deserves it, steve could be the LB's coach or move him around somewhere like Bill does with all his coaches. Finally something to smile about.. maybe

  2. Bill is so freaking stubborn when it comes to giving out titles. It's because it took forever for him to become a DC back in the old timey days. Times have changed. Make Mayo the DC. Make SB linebackers coach. Make Judge special teams coach. Bring in Kingsbury to call real plays as the OC. And get fat ass, bearded, #2 pencil wearing mf'er Fatricia booted upstairs to Ernie Adams old job of eye in the sky. It's not fucking difficult Bill!! Jesus!! 🙄

  3. What Holley doesn’t get about becoming a head coach for a crappy team is that if you don’t perform you’re fired in a couple years and then you may not have a decent job ever again in the NFL. By learning under Bill with a DC title, he makes more money and is guaranteed a job which allows you to pick the right coaching job with a team that’s up-and-coming, giving you a better chance to stick around!!

  4. lol good old belichick – gets carried through most of his career by LT and Brady – gets rid of Brady then gets carried by Kraft to finish up his career… goat! (LOLOLOL)

  5. Steve has been doing a great job, top scoring defense last 3 years, too 3 defense period last two years. Steve has been more then great, and deserves respect on his name.

  6. Yeah there's no way this was Bill's idea, he would have sleep walked while other teams snapped up the best candidates for OC then roled with Patricia or a leftover and blamed it on the circumstances (personally think it would have been the former)

  7. Of course he doesn't want to start over somewhere else Kraft has given him the keys to the city and lined his pockets with 30 mil

  8. Good, fuck your vacation BB, if you had seriously looked for an OC instead of just giving jobs to buddies you wouldn't be in this situation, now go to work lol

  9. Bill values special teams more than any other coach in the league. Is there a chance Steve Belichick goes to special teams and takes over the unit entirely while Mayo does defense alone?

  10. It means mayo will be our next HC. Especially how they tied these 2 stories together, makes it seem like mayo will have saybin the next oc… if that’s the case, then I welcome that

  11. Bill thinks it’s him and not the players that is largely responsible for the success. For Kraft to think he’s just going now check his ego is crazy. Bill can’t ask his players to do what’s best for the team if most of his moves are what’s best for Bill and not the team.

  12. Remember the Krafts are fans too! RKK listens to sports radio too. He’s hearing the frustration from the fans, and knows we want and our loyalty deserves some answers! It’s about time BB starts understanding WE also have a vested interest into tue operations of the team. The Krafts have ALWAYS thought of us as partners! All I care about is that Fatty P is OUT as OC, and now maybe we can figure out if Mac can be that guy! If Tua can go from trash to a star, why can’t Mac? Go back to Bama, there was a lot people who thought he was much better than Tua! Look at Lawrence last year to his transition this year, coaching MATTERS! Looks like Mayo and NOT Fatty P for future HC, THANK GOD! How many more locker rooms can that guy lose! Dud we forget all the stories of the celebrations by the players there when he got fired. Players have always and still do HATE him! He’s hot to be one of the WORST humans on planet earth to work for! I hope that dipshit lap dog nerd of his Rothstien is out too!

  13. Proven ; without TB bellichick is barely an Average couch , time for new leadership

  14. You guys wanna start a narrative of Bill not wanting to start finding an OC. This team can never grow with such pessimist fans

  15. These comments are crazy. And the half of comments saying he can’t make it to a sb again clearly don’t know he’s won two sb as a dc too…. Sounds like patriot haters to me not pats fans. Usually their arguments.

  16. I’m just happy they’re extending Mayo and actually naming him DC. Steve Belichick and the other boy can hold the clipboard

  17. Name Mayo DC, talk of how great the defense has been the last 3 years running things as they have is misleading. How many good/great teams have they beat in that time? 2 – 3 Maybe? The rest of the wins have come mostly from tomato cans, Holly sounds like a shill for BB. It’s time Mr. Kraft said/did something …. just my opinion ….

  18. Why is this stunning that the Krafts listen to the fans? WE put money in their pockets, and RKK was and still is a fan! Plus how many teams are going to line up for BB? He’s going to be 71, and he’ll want full control and want to bring in Fatty P and numnuts Judge! Who wants that train-wreck? Fatty and Joey have now lost 2 locker rooms EACH! BB’s methods aren’t working with this generation’s players! of course he’s doing what Kraft is asking for. Kraft has ALL the power right now he’s got BB’s replacement in house in Mayo! BB is going to be a whipped puppy now to break Shulas record!

  19. Great job media, you convinced Mac Jones to not buy in to what the Pats were trying to do… So they were bound to suck. Now we going to get our 3rd OC in as many years for Mac. Mac will not be the QB of this team when his rookie deal is done, and if he is then Bill will be gone and we will be worst off for it. Media and fans are fucking dumb, Mac is not good enough… simple as that.

  20. there is nothing definite in that press release, I don't see any concrete indication Bill is going to change

  21. The only problem the Patriots have is they don't have Brady or Bledsoe anymore. If they had a good QB they'd still be contenders. It's all about the QB.

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