@National Hockey League

Are you fucking kidding me! Fuck you! – Michael Bunting

Are you fucking kidding me! Fuck you! – Michael Bunting

by Get-Cancelled


  1. tbiblaine23

    Dude should stop diving and maybe he’ll get the calls when they really matter and actually happen

  2. michealgaribaldi

    Four worthless assholes in striped shirts looked at this and though it was fine.

  3. shouldbeworking10

    He survived worse during the War of the roses

    That should have been a penalty regardless of his conduct on the ice

  4. justinreddit1

    That’s fckin wild that nothing was called.

  5. wpglatino

    Man, I love it when defenseman clear the porch

  6. Hairygull

    That shit hurt like hell too, having someone push a stick into your face does not feel good lol

  7. gtrmanny

    I dunno, I mean what should they have called, the high stick, the cross check or the interference 🤔

  8. The_Dale_Hunters

    That’s just Ben Chiarot hockey baby.

  9. Ok_Orchid7131

    Of all of the people for this to happen to, Bunting is the guy.

  10. Hopeful_Cod_8486

    Well stop putting your face in between the puck and the dude’s stick…

  11. ElectionAnnual

    They got plenty of other calls to make up for it.

  12. justwaitingtodie505

    Awe poor baby Bunting can’t handle a Lil action in front of the net

  13. MaxAnita

    TBF nobody saw this live so at the time it wasn’t that big of a deal, we all just thought Bunting was just being his usual self.

  14. Ok_Tooth1831

    NHL Refs: Nothing to see here. Move along

  15. TJ_Longfellow

    Top down view gives enough plausible deniability that was not intentional, definitely going for the puck… but yeah probably 2 minutes would be warranted there 🤷‍♂️

    The refs may have been skeptical of making that call, was that after the weak as hell tripping call?

  16. ImpressionableSix

    He is literally one of the whiniest bitches in the NHL

  17. Little_Bedroom

    I’m a leafs fan and bunting is a bitch but that was ridiculous idc who you are. Maybe Matt Cooke deserves that but everyone else no

  18. fitchiestofbuckers

    I love Bunting but he’s gotta stop diving and flailing around. Guaranteed this is a call to any other player.

  19. Striking_Economy5049

    Like I said, NHL reading is the worst in all of sports.

  20. smoked_before_this

    Bunting has suffered more for the Leafs in his 1 year of relevancy than players who have played for them since being drafted. Warrior, he’s made himself a valuable piece of that team

  21. PositiveInevitable79

    The refs this year are hot garbage.

  22. Epicbeing15

    The refs these last few years have been a total joke.

  23. lowendslinger

    Wear your lid properly or this can happen

  24. Jmac24mats13

    If the league suspended refs for games because of blatant missed calls liked this, i guarantee you less non calls like this would happen. Affect the what’s going in the wallet and changes will be made for a better game

  25. shifty350

    NHL refs are an absolute joke. I would have had worse to say if I were him.

  26. randyholt

    Nice clean hit what was he expecting coffee and donuts served up in the crease?

  27. WickedRedemption

    I felt like I could walk on water after watching this game. We usually get called for sneezing a little too loud.

  28. Wings fan here, was at the game, agreed it absolutely should have been a penalty.

  29. Comfortable-Phrase27

    He was near the goalie, the only penalty possible within 5 feet of the goalie is goaltender interference. Everything else is free game /s

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