@New York Rangers

Broadway hat for Lindy

Broadway hat for Lindy

by lionson76


  1. DostUpvoteth

    forget the penalty, the fighting mentality in that battle with seguin earned it. no quit in ny.

  2. spaideyv

    Happy for Lindy but Key was robbed đŸ˜€đŸ˜€

  3. ParkingLotLizard

    I been goin to games and instead of saying ‘potvin sucks’ people have been saying ‘go 5-5’ guy deserves it. Heart and soul into the game man. Sacrifices his blood daily.

  4. heytherefolksandfry

    to repeat one of my favourite comments on that post:
    “Key deserved the hat but I deserved this picture of Lindy”

  5. Most underrated/under discussed player in the league. This man is so pivotal and so solid. Another guy we need to lock up sooner than later

  6. Objective_Error9226

    I personally don’t think “key was robbed.” He knows his goal was important as does everyone else, doesn’t need the hat to confirm that. show some love to players who always work hard and deserve some recognition, like my boy LINDY

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