@Pittsburgh Penguins

Penguins 24/7: Just a wretched effort

On this episode of Penguins 24/7, Danny Shirey and I discuss the lack of impact the Penguins had on the Jets. (4-1)

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  1. Went to the game with my brother. Pathetic effort all over the ice. Pretty pissed.

  2. I mean we did beat them the first matchup 3-0 this year so it is what it is lol. Still a really bad game tho

  3. "play the right way and good things will happen" is a great way to stay just above average.

  4. This has been a team that doesn't suffer as much from an aging core, but from apathy. Too many game we see with "no heart" and that won't work. Can't Coast and then "flip the switch" come March and April and then start playing.

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