@Anaheim Ducks

GOTTA SEE IT: Brad Marchand Ducks Under Maxime Comtois Elbow Attempt

Check this out, as Bruins bad boy Brad Marchand eludes an elbow by Ducks’ Maxime Comtois by ducking under it, and getting announcer Jack Edwards excited.

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  1. That was such a Marchand thing to do lol. This guy is good for half a dozen moments like this a season

  2. That’s why being a short elf has its advantages.. he didn’t actually duck the elbow.. he’s just that short

  3. I mute volume whenever I watch highlights for a Bruins home game so I don’t have to listen to Jack Edwards. He makes me wanna punch myself in the throat.

  4. Marchand probably went home and cried. Just like when he screwed up in game 7 and the blues owned his ass with the CUP!

  5. If it had been any other player not on the Bruins, Jack Edwards would call him a coward for not fighting Comtois.

  6. Can't hit a penalty shot can't even elbow a guy 2feet away what do they see in this overated pos

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