@Pittsburgh Penguins

Jesse Winchester vs Jeff Carter Jan 20, 2011

Jesse Winchester vs Jeff Carter from the Ottawa Senators at Philadelphia Flyers game on Jan 20, 2011.


  1. I like how the announcer says that Giroux doesn't hit anyone, lol. Cheap Shot? It was shoulder to shoulder. But it's ok for someone to jump Giroux but if he hits a guy shoulder to shoulder, that's a cheap shot. What a moron.

  2. Dumb dumb dumb. Seems like Sportsnet hires losers all across the country to call their hockey games. I cannot stand that network.

  3. So much wrong with what this announcer said I don't know where to start, let's just say he's butt hurt. When I watch a game I like the announcers to call the game and at least pretend to be unbiased and leave the emotions to the fans. If they want to be fans, buy a fucking ticket like everybody else.

  4. typical announcers of the NHL, you can never watch a game with the flyers on any other network except for CSN or you hear this trash. Neil needs to get knocked out and end his career this is all he does or earlier in the game when he pushed our defense right in Bob. Everyone just hates the flyers especially now that we are #1 in the league. LETS GO FLYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Potvin calling a clean hit an unnecessary cheap shot is a laugh and a half.

    Dean Browns always been a homer and I can understand that but fer cripes sake Potvin? What are you thinking? Put the margarita down and be silent.

  6. @mcoop221 Im a Sens fan and I agree, what Denis Potvin is sayin here makes him sound like an idiot. He's new this year and Im not really crazy about his announcing skills…. lol

  7. LMAO at the announcer mad because his Senators were getting owned 5-2 and Giroux got a clean hit and utilized the truck stick

  8. @BigHickey25 why are u saying he said it was cheap? he just said unnecessary fuck!..they are winning 6-2 with like 4minutes left and he nails the guy…idk about u but im not surprised this happened…if it was a tight game then it would prob be different!

  9. @BigHickey25 For me personnally, I don't mind the hit. But I also don't mind Neil jumping in there and trying to back up his player ( even though the hit wasn't even that bad ). Yeah it sucks were struggling but it happens in sports, I just keep telling myself "atleast we aren't the Islanders or the Devils" lol. And even if we had Spezza, we'd still be losing know what I mean ? Wether it's the players or the coach's stradegies not working, things are just not jelling right now.

  10. @BigHickey25 And btw, I don't mind Dean Brown but I too don't care much for Denis Potvin's commentating skills. He deffinetly sounded like an idiot tonight…. lol

  11. @1slug2 trust me slug the only way he might be considered an all around good player is in comparison to the rest of his team which doesn't exactly say much. I watch way more than highlights and know neil is cheap player with no class, anyone who watches hockey knows that. Sure the sens are having a tough season and I have nothing against them but neil is another story. Giroux is an all around good player, offense, defense, and hitting he has had some great clean hits this season.

  12. @ThaOneChrisJONES please i guess i need to educate the real idiot here, i should probably spell it out…you, jumping someone means something other than literally "jumping" on someone, neil blind-sided him when he didn't even have the puck and after another one of the sens hit him. I won't disagree with avery and all but look at neil's history i think he fits in perfectly. Sorry but I have to get back to my life something it looks like you don't have and don't hate the flyboys since were #1

  13. @BigHickey25 I only throw Pronger in because he was pretty dirty for awhile, I still remember that elbow to McHamond when we played the Ducks in the finals back in 07. But I'll admit he isn't dirty like he once was. And we suck because of that walking injury Pascal Leclaire ( who seriously has a curse on him or something ) and that half-asser Kovalev wasting cap space and roster spots. If we do that and bring in a new coaching staff, maybe a guy like Ken Hitchcock ? Then we'll be good again.

  14. That wasn't a "cheap-shot"…stupid Sens announcers crying over a hit late in a blow-out…ever heard of Chris Neil?….I've seen him hit guys at the buzzer in a blow-out.

  15. I'm not a fan of either team but it was a awesome game to watch but that announcer is a complete moron. how was giroux's hit a cheapshot

  16. @mrvonfukustein congratulations……you almost made it through one, entire comment without making yourself look like a comment fool………"unemployment cheque and work boots"………hahahahahahahahaha you little impotent fuck.

  17. this commentator should be embarrassed for himself. it certainly was not a cheap shot. perhaps one of the reasons the flyers are the best team in hockey this year is because they keep the fire in their belly for 60 minutes. would he prefer that the flyers just take it easy on the pathetic excuse for a hockey team known as the ottawa senators? APB to all NHL teams– when you play the senators, please take it easy on them. they are having a rough season

  18. He does not leave his feet until the contact, Potvin don't know dick all about what he is saying. 1:08 is the point Girouxs feet leave the ice, its also the moment after contact. JUDGEMENT: Clean Textbook hip check.

  19. Giroux didnt do anything wrong. Carter doing exactly what a captain should do… Broad street bullies are back!

  20. Using the phrase "cheap shot" was totally wrong but you've gotta understand what the announcer means. The game was winding down and the Senators were getting destroyed (haha!) so there honestly wasn't that much of a reason to hit a guy like that, especially because it's out of character for Giroux. I mostly agree with him, though it certainly wasn't a cheap shot.

  21. CHEAP SHOT?!?!?
    I'm pretty sure that comment is grounds for dismissal.

    So if the football games are a blowout on Sunday, just remember – any defensive player who makes a tackle is dishing out cheap shots.

  22. What a fucking tool this commentator. It's very hard to believe that this guy has had anything to do with hockey in his life. Yes, I know he has, a lot but like I said, it's hard to believe it. Total jerk.

  23. hahaha love how everyone hates the commentator, but yeah that commentator should be ashamed of himself that hit was not cheap at all
    i'm sure if u talked to that otawa cenator he probably wouldn't think it was a cheap hit either
    go flyers and go carter i think he kinda won that fight

  24. im a sens fan and ya that was clean.. not the best season for the sens. but hey to all the flyers fans you gotta agree in this game that shelley was a pussy. didnt want any of carkner who is the same size, then like 5 mins later fights neil who is 50 lbs lighter and fights to a draw lol

  25. Worst announcer ever. Just cause G is a good player doesn't mean he's a pussy, he finishes his checks every game and plays hard and physical. That was one of the cleanest shouder to shoulder hits Ive ever seen. Notice that the guys that jumped G werent the one that got hit, because he knew it was clean. Obviously they were frustrated, as was the announcer. He shouldve done his home work because he just sounds stupid here

  26. The guy who Giroux hit didnt even go after him… Obviously it was a clean hit, and this announcer has no idea what he is talking about.

  27. i can't believe after all these years the ottawa senators always try a pick fights with the flyers and every year get their asses kicked! w.t.f???

  28. cheap shot? just look at who had possession of the puck when giroux made the hit. that's right winchester. and if that's the first hit he's seen giroux make he obviously doesnt watch him play much. giroux is becoming a very physical player. GO FLYERS!

  29. This announcer must be thinking he's watching basketball if shoulder to shoulder hits are cheap.

  30. @ensuboca i agree what team would take it easy on ANY team cause even the best team can lose to the worst team because of over confidence which is not what the flyers are about… look at the broad street bullies, they never took it easy and it didnt matter what team they played. they came after you, and they came after u HARD

  31. how was this the first hit by giroux he saw in that game he hip checked Milan Michalek in the first period

  32. im a sens fan myself. but i have no idea wtf the commentator is saying. this is not even close to a cheap shot!!

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