@Vancouver Canucks

Bedard Lotto odds update

Bedard Lotto odds update

by joeyandkuma


  1. joeyandkuma

    Key three point games upcoming — circle the calendar and hope for some 3 point games

    Jan 19th: Anaheim vs columbus
    Jan 21: San Jose vs Columbus
    Jan 24: Anaheim vs Arizona
    Jan 28: Arizona vs Anaheim

  2. How likely is that we end the season with 5 game winning streak and get 9th pick?

  3. KingInTheFarNorth

    The most frustrating part of this graphic is Buffalo, there season has been a step forward, lots of optimism there. Annnnd the have barely worse odds than us at winning the lottery.

  4. joeyandkuma

    One more piece of good news Montreal doesn’t get two lotto chances

  5. Global-Register5467

    I have honestly given up on this team for the next few years. It realistically can’t get better for about 5 years. We could maybe make some trades for draft picks/prospects and cut it down to 3 before we turn a corner. I would like to see Bedard end up in Anaheim, play with some young stars and just have an amazing career. Not waste it here.

  6. Rendole66

    Man you guys are gonna be real upset when “team tank” goes according to plan and we still end up with the 7-10th pick

  7. edudspoolmak

    Why is Columbus losing great for us?

  8. mrmcbluffy

    Those odds are starting to look a lot better! It would be great if we could end up at 9.5. Need to play OEL and Myers together more.

  9. I expected much more from Columbus this season.. Hopefully they turn it around, so that we can catch them as well. We might still be able to catch Arizona..

    I’m so jealous of Chicago though.. What a masterful tank job.

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