@Carolina Hurricanes

Erik Reitz vs Jordan Staal Nov 18, 2008

Erik Reitz vs Jordan Staal from the Minnesota Wild at Pittsburgh Penguins game on Nov 18, 2008.


  1. All you fucking penguin fans are a bunch of bandwagoners. OOOHHH they have Crosby! The greatest player ever OMG! THE NEXT GRETZKY! Where were all your fans when they were one of the worst teams in the NHL a few years ago??? Exactly!, go fuck yourselves. Wings fan since 81' baby!

  2. once reitz started throwing bombs staal dropped like a bag of potatoes.. staal didnt even land a punch he missed all those punches he threw and if you actually watched the game instead of search the internet for fights you would know that staal was trying to be a big man and back up his team mate which reitz smoked.. it wasnt because of the high stick get a life you fucken computer nerds or learn something about hockey. if they went toe to toe we all know who would win. that was nothing

  3. i dont wanna act like i am supporting the wild, but reitz threw a big one at the end. Ill give him the w for toughness

  4. Exactly. Penguins have sold out like the last 80 games. They seem to be one of the only teams in the NHL turning profits, which all nhl fans should appreciate. Hockeytown doesnt even sellout, must be something in the water…Oh yeah thats right, there is something in their water, sewage. Go Detroit!

  5. Bombs what Bombs????

    I see Staal throw three punches to the head and as he goes to throw a fourth punch Reitz ducks and Staal misses going off balance while Reitz kind of pulls him down.

    Show me these "bombs", please.

  6. ok time for a neutral person to step in and solve this shit…in defense of the wings fans…check the logs everyone, each and every game ended up being sold out…also i will say that the pens fans seemed to lets say come out of nowhere when they started winning, which is pretty much 100% band-wagoning, but that is typical with every team, good performance=large turnouts…… siding with the pens fans specially the peepeetingle dude, good work in pointing out that people say me,us and we

  7. i hate when people do that shit, it is not your team and you do not play in the nhl so shut the fuck up plz, also for the wings fans that say the wings kicked the pens asses last year in the finals….ehh i wouldnt go that far, yeah it was won in six but it wasnt a total slaughter with the exception of game 1, now for my opinion on people commenting on the weakness of the punches and fights and stuff….i need only say a few things….they are in the nhl and play hockey, yous sit home and wish

  8. selling out means selling all of the tickets available to the public, not having every seat full

  9. keep on playing in your sunday night roller hockey mens league and drink your beer and keep wishing you were semi talented at sports and just stop commenting…your a waste son..sorry

  10. Lol did you see Crosby crying like a baby when Stuart rammed his ass into the boards game 6??? Ending an overhyped team's season in one game was good enough, but seeing Crosby limp off the ice put the icing on the cake

  11. Lol I like how the ref taps Reitz's butt.
    I think I laughed for five minutes.

  12. Typical. Try to turn the convo around by insulting Crosby. As everyone does. Just shows that you know the jhopp dude is right.

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