@Chicago Blackhawks

Connor Murphy || 40 DAY FAST!!! || Does He Need Help???



#GregDoucette #ConnorMurphy #40dayfast


  1. He did a 40 day fast for spiritual awakening, Jesus fasted for 40 days, it’s a religious journey to rest your prayer balance, not cool to make fun of that but do what u guys think is “cool” lol fuckin weirdos

  2. Oh s*it, you sound horible, my ears hurt…
    And btw., I don't know how the guy is doing but you are noone to put limits on others 🙂
    Such useless content but ok, you are an entertainer I guess … whoever this entertains…

  3. Water fasting is easy lol. Greg you know so little about fasting it's hilarious. Any average Joe can do 40 days without any prep whatsoever give the average fat storage people walk around with everyday.

  4. Leave this man alone and spend your time on something else. He literally is alive. All this miss information you put out is sad

  5. 40 days fast is possible, I know a man who was suffering from an undiagnosed chronic stomach ache. He followed the advice of 40 days fast (nothing but water) and he was totally fine. The first 3-5 days were very hard then after a week it was less painful. However, one need to check if the person have blood pressure problems, diabetic, ..
    Some people in prisons protest in the form of fasting. The outcomes are not always equal.

  6. Don’t know how real it was but all kinds of folks were doing the show Naked and Afraid for I think 21 days. Most men would lose around 20 lbs after eating little more than a few bugs and snakes. So I would guess 40 days dude should lose 30-40 lbs. pretty skinny at 150-160 but hardly on deaths door.

  7. Always great content and always entertaining. The colorbar clip at the end is a bit loud and the future ones need to have the audio level reduced. Please understand that I say that in a helpful way. I don't want there to be anything on the videos that would turn away a viewer.
    Much Love and success to you Greg

  8. I wonder why muslims fast for 30 days, but only during day hours, and no food, water, fap, sex 😕

  9. Intermittent Fasting is a powerful tool.But only for 16 to 48 hours at most depending if the person has enough fat on them.40 days is insane.

  10. Bitch what u hv to say after he completed it…
    And just out of curiosity why are u going crazy… Is he your lover or something…
    A hole

  11. NO! Wrong. I normally like what Greg says but this video is full of misinformation. Not all of it, I definitely agree that a 40 day water only fast for THAT guy is wrong. I'm currently on my 3rd (over the past 3 years) 12 day water only fast (I'm on day 9). THINK ABOUT IT! Do you truly believe that our species would have ever survived in the past if humans would have keeled over after a week or two of no food? Nonsense. He needs to do research before he just goes off like this saying crap about how a person will end up in the hospital. Search YouTube for a study that was done after the holocaust that the US did on starvation. That feeding someone 200-300 calories per day WILL cause the person to obsess over food. That over a super prolonged time this will obviously lead to all kinds of problems. When you abstain completely, hunger goes away – right now I feel NO hunger or extremely little, I walk 2-4 miles per day (no heavy lifting) while I'm a water only fast. My brain is quite clear, my energy levels are up not down, energy levels would have to be for our ancestors to be able to hunt and gather. I do have energy – it is in my fat. I weighed 182 when I started and weigh 169 now, I'm 5'6". I do take vinegar and baking soda every other day to keep electrolytes up but I probably don't need to. The weight does NOT bounce back – it takes quite a bit of time. I posted a YouTube video while I was fasting where I went for a run (not recommended the way I did it – I was learning) but what our society has conditioned us to has nothing to do with what your body is capable of and the reasons behind it. The body DOES heal while fasting this long, my inflammation is way down. There are many many videos on YouTube about this very subject, which is why it is disappointing to hear him say stupid things out of ignorance. Become informed before making such generalized comments about what he clearly knows nothing about. There are not only people's testimonials but plenty of videos from PhDs and university studies on this all over YouTube. Greg's other videos are really good though.

  12. A little ironic that as Greg is speaking about one "hurting themselves" you can faintly hear sirens in the background…

  13. Watching this now after seeing Connor Murphy’s downfall and complete collapse of his sanity

  14. " i used to be infamous…now i'm femass" Coach i laughed so frikkin hard! Becoming a big fan ova here. And i havent even started working out. Thanks!

  15. Coach Greg intercepted Connor’s downward spiral of delusion. He should seriously consider Doing a response to one of his weird videos lol

  16. This video didnt age well. Loose your attitude and loud mouth lil man.
    Fasting for 7 days is nothing, apperwntly u dont know What u r talking about.

  17. This guy is so uneducated. 😂 Does he really not understand how the human body works? You can survive without food for weeks. People need to educate themselves regarding the human anatomy and nutrition. Marketing really has brainwashed people like this guy and has them believing that not eating for a period of time will have HORRIBLE consequences. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." This is a sales tactic. Lol Come on people! 🤦🏽‍♂️

  18. you have no idea about the body works. Fat is literally food. If you are obeese, you can fast for an entire year

  19. Whenever I hear people say "starvation mode" I know they are full of shit

  20. I miss this greg tbh, before all the yt fame, not that new greg is bad, its just different, i found greg when i fell in love with lifting, id literally put his vids on in my room n watch hours and hours and hours of videos, i learned so so much from you greg, thank you for everything

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