@Pittsburgh Penguins

2009 PBA Geico Plastic Ball Championship – Michael Fagan vs. Jeff Carter (Part 1)

Here we go to the second match between Jeff Carter and Michael Fagan. I must say I can’t believe how Fagan can get the ball back from where he puts it.

Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. The 4-6-7-10 in the big four…….
    The 4-6-7-9-10 or 4-6-7-8-10 are the Two Greek churches

  2. Thats not true rocker0912. I use a 12 pound ebonite magnum and i can get hella hook on it middle lane and back end. And its poly!

  3. If it feels like plastic. . . No just kidding, the best way to tell if your ball is plastic is probably just to Google it.

  4. im surprised he went with the srg easter grip with plastic. i would think he would go both finger tip to get more revs. maybe just a comfort thing?

  5. @Fukkensaved It only reduces it a little. prob a 20rpm difference. mostly effects axis tilt and rotation

  6. Sarge Easter grip will cut down on revs when you first start out with the grip, but once you get used to it you should be able to get the same rev rate with sarge Easter then regular fingertip. Sarge Easter is best for high rev players that when they have normal axis rotation from fingertip that their ball overreacts and has to much ball continuation on the backend. Sarge Easter gives that player a lot more controllable backend motion that will keep their ball from overreacting on the backend.

  7. this is where fagan's weird axis rotation and tilt hurt him. He didn't have the heavy roll that carter did, and thats what you want when rolling plastic. a really heavy end over end roll to make it face up.

  8. well that is his usual grip so im guessing he is probably even tho its plastic he still wants to cut down on that rev

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