@Toronto Maple Leafs

[TheOakLeafs] Leafs are 0 for 17 on the powerplay in the 8 series clinching games since 2018/2019. 5 of those 8 games were lost by 1 goal.

[TheOakLeafs] Leafs are 0 for 17 on the powerplay in the 8 series clinching games since 2018/2019. 5 of those 8 games were lost by 1 goal.

by LeafsRealist


  1. Reggae4Triceratops

    Surely 5 forwards is the solution

  2. MOshow1967

    Sounds like a top6 fwd could help with that

  3. Ryan0413

    Sometimes they need to stop passing around the perimeter and just shoot it, hope it’ll go off of someone’s ass or the goalie doesn’t see it

  4. swint6996

    Need a shooting threat if Matthews isn’t going to be that guy. 5 guys passing around in a circle looking for an NHL23 cross crease tap in isn’t going to work in the playoffs.

  5. Volderon90

    These kinds of stats are damning as well as the one this year that we have no wins if we’re down by the start of the third. You need to be able to come back in third periods and you need to be able to convert PP chances in the playoffs in big games.

    I would also argue the biggest thing is consistency. Streaky teams always fail. Tampa when they won the cup never lost back to back games all season. Boston is the same this season so far. If you lose 2-3 in a row followed by a win streak that is not a great recipe. For the regular season it’s acceptable but that will sink you in the playoffs

  6. canuckpuckbeaut

    Can we start putting Matthews on his off side of whoever is at the top of the umbrella? We need more one timers.

  7. Deluxechin

    Okay? Why is this relevant in January of right now? This isn’t taking into account that 2018-2021 the Leafs didn’t even show up to series clinches games, and the one they did (2022) they got line what? 2? 3 power plays total between the 2 games, sure it’d still be nice to score on those but I remember those games became full on whistle away games (well until Justin Holl bumps into someone) the other series clinching games the Leafs never bothered to really care in general (until the last minute or so) my point being the powerplay wasn’t the reason we lost those games although it is interesting that they haven’t even scored 1 goal on a series clinching powerplay

    I think this puts into perspective just how in their own heads this team gets when the pressure is on

  8. twogaysnakes

    Do they save these stats for after a bruins loss

  9. howsshegoin

    talk about your all time small sample sizes. the playoffs are known to be a coin flip and microanalysis of PP stats is even coin flippier.

  10. Babock93

    They need a one timer shot on the point and it is not Morgan

  11. charliem11

    Bold prediction, Game 83: They start with Morgan Reilly as the lone D man on the PP, that doesn’t work and all his shots are getting blocked because nobody’s scared of his shot, then they give it to Gio who has a CANNON but a blocked shot at the point bounces out to center and Gio loses that foot race and there’s a breakaway against us. Then Keefe doesn’t know what to do and he’ll throw anything against the wall to see what sticks, but Lily, Sandin and Timmins will get eaten alive by an experienced PK.

  12. J1alfredo

    Tbh I’ve kinda always found the Toronto PP lacking something.

    The puck movement is not even close to as fast as teams like Tampa, Boston, Colorado, etc. They hold onto it a looong time. The % is still good mostly because Toronto effectively enters the zone, gets pucks to the net, and jams them in.

    The way Matthews likes to loop out and come down hill often takes him out of the play as a potential passer, and can make the overall play pretty easy to telegraph for opposing penalty kills.

    Marner’s playmaking is really good but he’s rarely a 1-touch passer. He likes to hold onto the puck and survey his options. I feel like both of these things really hamper their ability come playoffs to continue to get goals once the teams have played them consecutive times.

    Just a person opinion, not sure if anyone else notices

  13. TheLoomingMoon

    Their best pps have come when you can see the players have said fuck it were doing it without coaching.

  14. apatcheeee

    There are games/PPs where the leafs actually look like they are trying a set play, but most of the time they are playing hot potato with the puck around the perimeter of the Ozone. They give the opposing team too much time to regain position, because the puck stays onto a player’s stick for too long.

  15. pica0050

    Nothing like a soul crushing stat to humble a leaf fan’s hopes!

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