@Washington Capitals

According to r/hockey, the hit on JG Pageau by Ovechkin last night was a dirty hit. What do we think?

According to r/hockey, the hit on JG Pageau by Ovechkin last night was a dirty hit. What do we think?

by FouglasDord


  1. eagleace21

    >According to r/hockey

    There’s your problem

  2. FouglasDord

    So if you go to the thread in r/hockey you’ll find “dirty hit”, “hit from behind”, “hit to the head” mentioned a number of times.

    I see a heavy big dude hit Pageau on the right shoulder. Do I need to get my eyes checked?

  3. Joshottas

    Im getting downvoted to oblivion in that thread 😂

  4. I feel like it has really spiraled in the last 2-3 years. r/hockey has become the absolute *worst* for discourse on plays – every hit where someone gets hurt is the dirtiest hit that ever happened, and plays are 100% judged on the player and the outcome and not the actual play itself.

    The sub has become completely useless outside of seeing highlight clips from around the league (and even that has been kind of shitty lately).

    The hit is 100% fine, it’s a bad spot and his head hits the glass in an unfortunate situation. The people on r/hockey are morons who make their mind up based on a title and their imagination and then ignore reality.

  5. BallsMahoganey

    r/hockey straight up ignoring reality as is tradition.

    Edit: Lol I just got banned for 3 days.

  6. I didn’t look at all the angles, but seems like a suspension IMO. What I saw: head is the point of contact, player is vulnerable and #8 seems to lift his skates from the ice.

  7. BattleSh33p

    The correct call was made on the ice, that is all that matters. The gawking rabble on /r/hockey will find any excuse to hate the Great 8, let them.

  8. bmac_2144

    Seems like most of the comments are criticizing the NHL clearing Pageau returning to the game. I saw one thread with a few comments saying it was a dirty hit but they were definitely outnumbered by people saying it was just a bigger guy hitting a smaller guy.

  9. Ovi-wan_Kenobi_8

    I’m not a homer. When Wilson does something dumb, he should get suspended. Same for Ovechkin; he made some over-aggressive plays when he was younger, and was told by the league to modify his game and be more careful. I believe he has.

    Last night, I saw a big player make a clean hit on one of the smallest players in the NHL. The play was reviewed by HQ in Toronto and no penalty was called. That was the correct decision.

    r/ hockey is filled with casual fans, people who don’t fully understand the game and its rules. It also has Islander fans who *should* be more upset with the fact their team blew a 3-0 lead last night and lost. And finally, it’s filled with bitter Canadians who resent that a Russian is closing in on Gretzky’s goal-scoring record and that no Canadian team has won a Stanley Cup in 30 years.

    Nothing good or interesting happens on r/ hockey, so it’s best to not engage with people there.

  10. truetotheblue2

    That post is not saying the hit was dirty. The post is saying that it was a hard hit which left Pageau clearly concussed and yet he was allowed to return to the game.

  11. maxhollywoody

    Every big hit is a dirty hit according to r/hockey

  12. BruntFCA_

    The lack of objectivity there is always so annoying. For many posters they have their preselected villains and refuse to see past that.

  13. Yeah the bigger issue is that he returned. Solid hit. Big person, hitting a smaller person usually results in the smaller one feeling the brunt of the force. He didn’t take several strides before the hit, he didn’t go high, he didn’t use his elbow. Shoulder to his shoulder, head hits the glass. It’s the reason my buddy had to quit hockey in high school, he was a late bloomer and was smol. Doctors said he had “concussion syndrome” (name he told me anyway), sounds like it was the same thing boxers get. Basically any weak hit gives him a concussion, so he quit.

  14. BigSportsNerd

    R/Hockey is always bitter and angry. Sad.

  15. TowelMaterial4662

    Yea honestly nothing there, and this is coming from a Crosby fan that looks for anything against Ovi, but clean hit to me.

  16. NotOSIsdormmole

    Ovi is a big dude, pageau is a little dude. It’s very clear that he coasted into the hit, and made no leading contact with the head. It’s a clean hit that just involved a smaller player, and resulted in what you’d expect

    The problem that should be addressed is how he was allowed to return to the game, the concussion protocol clearly failed by allowing that to happen

  17. CrunchyZebra

    Idk I read some of the comments and didn’t see any top comments talking about the hit. The discussion was 100% about how Pageau likely has a severe concussion but was allowed to return to the game anyways.

  18. Hitler_the_stripper

    No one is talking about the legality or dirtiness of the hit, just the leagues protocol for dealing with head injuries

  19. Prestigious_Way_5519

    Hit wasn’t dirty, it’s about the NHL letting players get back in play when they shouldn’t. They say “evaluation” but it’s clearly just confirming you still stand on two legs instead of having you sit out the rest of the game

  20. PilotG10

    The Hockey Guy said it was a clean hit=it was a clean hit.

  21. LouiErikssonIsAHoFer

    there was an angle on the NBCSW feed that showed ovi’s shoulder hitting pageau’s shoulder without ever touching his head, and the inertia of the hit caused pageau to hit his head pretty hard on the glass. clean hit with an unfortunate result. i’m shocked they put him back in the game after a bad case of bambi legs

  22. MaddAddamOneZ

    Hit was clean. The issue is if these hits should still be allowed and if Pageau should have been allowed to return. Even the Isles broadcast crew thought at the worst, it could have been a two minute minor for boarding.

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