@Detroit Red Wings

Depth chart update

Depth chart update

by Josepham28


  1. Flowsnice

    Goes to show how much better Tyler Bertuzzi is than he gets credit for

  2. coltron57

    I like a lot of these guys like I do every season, but it’s stuff like this that illustrates how we’re more than just a piece away. MAYBE, juuuuuust maybe, a top end C can help us limp to the 8 seed, but if this team wants to win a playoff round, they need a handful of pieces. Hopefully some of those can be home grown, but one way or another we need to find a Larkin-or-better caliber C, two top 4 LHD, a top line W, two second line Ws, and then probably two goalies (two as you probably hamstring yourself too much with Husso’s cap hit as a backup OR a second similar cap hit in a tandem).

  3. UnlikelyAd6166

    Can anyone expand on how these metrics are derived?

  4. GreenGlassFox

    so does this mean that the overall roster is slightly above meh?

    I assume a C grade would be exactly meh

  5. dingusking69

    Interesting to see. I wonder where sunny would be on this list?

  6. thearcticknight

    How long is left on Suter’s contract? I wanted to like him but dude is invisible.

  7. naked_feet

    If the Wings end up 80-85 points — which it looks like they most likely will — that actually is a considerable improvement over last year, which was a 74 point season.

    I have the gut feeling that they will finish this season stronger than they did last year. Or at least I hope so. And improvement season-to-season is, arguably, “good enough.” And fairly on pace for the predictions of many.

    *Probably* out of the playoffs this year, but hopefully in next year. If they continue to improve and add pieces as needed, they can still contend within a few seasons.

    This is improvement.

  8. slantastray

    C is a weird grade for all the exceptional talent people around here talk about.

  9. BellsBeerBestBeer

    Hot take incoming

    As good as Larkin is and as much of a pain it is to say it, the guy has known nothing but losing in the NHL. With the massive roster and coaching staff turnover we are still getting the same results and same bad habits/blowouts despite making improvements on paper. The better players we bring in end up regressing or plateauing here (aside from Walman, maybe Maatta). Beginning to wonder if this is the group we really want to build around if all they’ve ever known is losing. Might be better for Larkin to waive the NTC and go win somewhere finally (which he deserves), and we get a haul of assets to really start over on the rebuild. I really don’t want Seider and Raymond to be approaching free agency in their late 20s having done nothing in their careers but get their asses kicked constantly. That’s really a problem here, is the losing culture. Larkin has a ton of drive and a ton of talent, but he has always been stuck losing. It’s not fair to him or the team. We might make the playoffs with this core eventually but that might be the ceiling.


    Wings need elite talent (hot take, I know). We need the type of player who can bring up the numbers of the guys around him and we just don’t have that. In today’s NHL it’s hard to find too. Stevie’s going to have to flip a big time trade here soon because this team as it is will continue to stay around a C.

  11. BenAdaephonDelat

    As we have been so many times in the last 10 years… we’re drowning in mediocrity. Not good enough to make the playoffs, not bad enough to get any decent draft picks.

  12. mturacing

    Ya know what? I’ll take a C+ overall.

  13. canbehazardous

    what was Kubalik’s rating earlier this season when he was on a tear?? Wasn’t it like 2.8 or something crazy?

  14. bestprocrastinator

    This kind of reinforces what I’ve seen from the Wings this year. We have a lot of solid complimentary pieces that you need to win big, but we lack that true game changer player that elevates everyone around them. I think if Wings get that piece, a lot of these numbers jump significantly.

    We are essentially the reverse Edmonton right now.

  15. This season seems really counterintuitive, we’ve improved and that’s obvious, but we aren’t a playoff contender either, yet the only real way to truly improve is young talent, and we aren’t putting ourselves in a position to get that young talent…

    It feels like Yzerman might’ve splurged too soon

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