@Vancouver Canucks

One of my traditions with my grandpa: Him texting me week-old Canucks news, me not telling him “YEAH I’M ON THE SUB I KNOW”

One of my traditions with my grandpa: Him texting me week-old Canucks news, me not telling him “YEAH I’M ON THE SUB I KNOW”

by deletedtheoldaccount


  1. AliAllyAllie

    I always text my dad rumors and news before he sees it on TV and his reaction is always “thanks for the update my hockey insider” 😅

  2. Bathtime_Toaster

    Word of advice…

    Just humour him and enjoy it. I’d give my left nut to have these kind of small talk conversations with my dad or grandpa again.

  3. phantom11287

    Give him a little more than a “yeah it’s weird”. He just wants to have some dialogue man

  4. PathThatIsNoPath

    Alternate title: One of your grandpa’s traditions is trying to have a conversation after reading the paper and the kid isn’t interested unless it is new and trending from 30 seconds ago.

  5. Skatesoff

    Jesus this makes me sad. Your grandpa is trying to connect with you about a shared interest, would be nice if you could humour him a bit and engage instead of that dismissive response. Guarantee that’s something you’ll look back on with regret if you don’t take the opportunity. (I mean unless he’s an absolute asshole but I don’t really get that vibe)

  6. Striking_Ad_4562

    Your grandpa can text me. I love chatting with seniors and they always value someone taking the time for them.

  7. Healthy-Elevator863

    Awh man I’d give anything to text with my grandpa 🙁


    Your response is
..bizzare. The hell does that mean?

  9. It seems annoying now, but man I’d love to be able to text my grandparents still. I don’t want to judge because maybe there’s been a difficult relationship there, but enjoy them while they are around.

  10. catgotcha

    Humour him, man. Not necessarily pretending you hadn’t heard about it, but rather, be kinda honest and just focus on moving the conversation forward: “Yeah, grandpa! Seeing a lot of talk about this online. What do you think? Who should take their place?”

    Others said it ITT. I’d love to have these kinds of chats with my own grandpas, alas, they died in 1986 and 2006. The 1986 one used to tell me stories about Howe and Bobby Hull, it was so great to hear it all firsthand. I miss those conversations.


    This is what my friend does who lives in the states.
    I don’t have the heart to tell him that’s all the radio and Twitter talks about.

  12. blacktop2013

    Every year, I would print off a custom Canucks schedule for my Gramma that had the channel numbers on each game so she knew how to tune in

    She passed 2 years ago but man, like so many others in this thread – I would LOVE to have that interaction back. Text your Grandpa more than just 3 words. Please.

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