@Boston Bruins

Boston Bruins Sign Pavel Zacha to Contract Extension

After their win over the Toronto Maple Leafs the Boston Bruins sign forward Pavel Zacha to a contract extension. In this video I look at Zacha’s NHL career so far and his season with the Bruins. I also give my thoughts on the contract and how I think it could impact the future signing of David Pastrnak.


  1. Little bit of an overpay cause he doesn’t score much but happy we got a young player locked up. Now do pasta please

  2. Surprising because he's not that good. He has trouble hitting an empty net. I'm guessing the Bruins expect one less centre next season.

  3. I think this is a very good signing. I like this kid and the way he plays. Considering he moves around and up and down in the line up he is doing well this year. This kid has come into a new team, a new system and new teammates. All of that can be a tough adjustment for anyone even if they are playing just one position. It's not easy to go from center to wing or left to right wing. The kid plays both ends of the ice and I think he is only going to get better.

  4. Big fan of this deal. He's one of the better decision-makers we've seen in Boston. Very smart player, and the perfect 2C once 37 & 46 are gone

  5. If he can learn how to score off the 1 timer he'd have another 10 goals this year, love him as a player and it should help pasta resign knowing hes got another guy to play with

  6. Same draft class as debrusk who signed last year for much less don’t want to be negative but his game isn’t close to Jake s as long as the bruins take care of debrusk and dissension doesn’t enter into it it’s a good signing but he has to start putting the puck in the net

  7. I love everything about Pavel, he's nothing but a positive addition to this team. I am a firm believer that he is a major Catalyst and what's helped our team gel play more consistently together have better looks at the net from the point also bring a level of competitiveness in front of that net with his for checking his playing ability I love it I absolutely love it.

  8. I like Zacha, but (as Devil fans have always said), given his skill level, it always feels like he should be scoring more than he does. That said, I think this is a good signing at a good price. They're going to need Center help down the road, and maybe Zacha can grow into a 2C. And you're correct about how it impacts Pasta.

  9. A little too much for a guy with only 5 goals so far, is he signed for $4M that would be more of a fair deal, he is about $750K overpaid at this point. Maybe he scores more as of year 2 with the Bruins and keeps getting better. I think Nosek, Foligno and Smith are all gone by next year and Reilly most likely will be bought out at the start of next season if they can't trade him.

  10. I don't know. Haula was one of the best value players in the league last year. His production and ability to play up and down the lineup at 2.35m was nothing to sneeze at. To only get the rights to Zacha for that player was a flat out terrible trade. To then have to pay Zacha 4m dollars when you were already up against the cap for a single year deal on a show me contract sucked even more. He's fit well and he's deserving of the extension. But that was not a good trade. It worked out but it didn't make any sense to get such a small return for Haula after the year he had. If Zacha had this contract in place before that deal it would have been a different conversation. But that's not what happened.

  11. Good contract for a good middle 6 forward who can play multiple forward positions. I like this extension

  12. Really like his size, skating ability and effort. Happy with the signing. I do wish he was a better finisher and maybe with time he’ll improve around the net. But, overall a good young player

  13. Now if he can hit an open net I'd be delighted he misses more nuts than Jeff Lazaro ever did if any of you guys know who that is

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