@Ottawa Senators

Ryan Carter vs Travis Hamonic Mar 1, 2014

Ryan Carter vs Travis Hamonic from the New Jersey Devils at New York Islanders game on Mar 1, 2014. Carter did not receive a fighting major (not that Hamonic should have had one, either).


  1. Hamonic the moron will likely receive a suspension as it was under 5 minutes in the 3rd. What a buffoon.

  2. 2 mins for instigating 5 mins for fighting and 10 min gamw misconduct best game ive gone to all yea devils lit them up

  3. that was a total fn cheapshot by Carter in the corner. McDonald didn't even have the puck so no wonder Hamonic wanted to fight him…..

  4. He was just pissed off, and I cant say I blame him either.  Season has been an embarrassment, performance on home ice has been an embarrassment.

  5. @ruleej32 so just because a guy isn't prepared to get hit in the corner makes it a cheap shot if he gets hit? He wasn't exactly blindsided, and although he didn't have the puck when he was hit, he did have possession immediately prior to Carter coming at him. Clean hit, albeit somewhat awkward because of the angle and positions and such. That being said, Hamonic jumping Carter, although clearly sticking up for his teammate, was dirty. Didn't even give him a chance to drop the mitts, he just ran at him as he was going off the ice for a line change. Hamonic had one thing on his mind, and it had nothing to do with the play of the puck.

  6. wow look at all these comments this is for sure the new nhl crowd  he ran a guy in a 5-1 game not dirty but distasteful he should have manned up and it would be done but reading these comments makes me realize the nhl I grew up is dead with the soccermoms and purse swingers watching. LOnG LIVE PROBIE LOL

  7. @JerOutlaw Devils were up 5-1 with 5 mins left in the third. Clean hit but unnecessary, no need to try and hurt anyone with the game in hand. Hamonic was reminding him of that. Carter should have fought him. New NHL fan are ya?

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