@Calgary Flames

How The 2015 Glencross Deal Turned Into An Embarrassment Of Riches For Calgary | NHL Trade Trees

Steve Dangle takes a look back at how the 2015 trade deadline deal that sent Curtis Glencross to the Washington Capitals turned out to be a huge deal for the Calgary Flames in retrospect.


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  1. Sad thing about Adam Fox is that it was common knowledge that he wasn’t going to any team outside of New York. That’s why Calgary traded him despite him being a great prospect.

  2. Adam fox refused to sign in calgary and Carolina and declared he would only play for the rangers. He's incredibly lucky they signed him because his douchebag attitude would get him signed almost no where else.

  3. Fox was a douche who would only sign in NYR. looking at the flames haul this year wow thats stacked

  4. Hey Steve, 2022 calling. Kylington is great, Lindholm is great.
    Fox is doing great with NYR. Dougie is a Devil and out injured. Flames win.

  5. 1 year later, this has aged like fine wine.

    Hanifin has 43 pts in 75 games and is a top pairing 2 way dman.

    Kylington is a top 4 dman with 29 pts in 67 games in his first full season with strong defensive metrics

    Lindholm is getting Selke discussions and has 39 goals and 78 pts in 76 games.

    Flames now have a 27 year old 1C and 25 year old 1D and top 4 D from this trade tree, and all three are only getting better.

  6. Watching this again when all three of Lindholm, Hanifin and Kyllington popping off this season makes this even better

  7. You clearly didn’t do ur research on the fox trade. He passed on Calgary and Carolina not the other way around.

  8. I hope there will be a trade tree episode that will put the Capitals in the better light. Every team makes at least one bad trade in their history, but as a fan, I feel the Glencross and Erat trades should not define our team identity. The Capitals have made excellent trades in their history. Trading for Langway saved our team from leaving DC, while acquiring Oshie helped lead us to our very first Cup win. Yet when casual fans (and Yinzer Penguins fans) think of a trade the Capitals made, it's always one of those awful trades, and I absolutely hate it when Yinzers use that to crack "Ha Ha, Cleveland Browns" low hanging fruit jokes at us.
    Context: the Cleveland Browns are a football team based in Cleveland, Ohio, and since their return to the NFL in 1999, have been a laughing stock cause of how inept the front office is at building a team, which in turn contributes to losses, draft busts, and a lot of jokes. Everyone and their grandmother makes Browns jokes, but some Yinzers (residents of Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh is located) have a hard-on for laughing at the Browns at every turn, since their hometown Steelers are rivals of the Browns, and until recently, have been the Steelers' favorite punching bag.

  9. One caveat, you said Calgary passed on Fox. They didn't. He passed on them. Wanted to play for the Rangers all along and wouldn't sign.

  10. Lindholm, Hanifin, and Kylington who is now his defense partner, are all lights out for the Flames now. This was a really good trade for the Flames and I didn't realize it started with the Glencross trade

  11. What a solid swindle by Brad back in the day. That trade is still doing wonders for the Flames franchise.

  12. Great analysis of trade. Calgary didn't "pass" on fox. He didn't want to play there. Kylington had great year last yr. This yr AOL for whatever reason. Hamilton? Didn't want to be here. We got 2 very very good players from canes. BTW that one playoff series we won in 2015 was only one from 2003 until 2022. Yeah!

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