@Philadelphia Flyers

Props to Scott Laughton

Props to Scott Laughton

by dylan1123


  1. grundified

    Sports and politics don’t mix. Comcast is an evil corporation at the tip of the cultural war elites are begging to get started in the US.

    If you can’t see that you are fucking blind. Kate Smith is cancelled. That’s HISTORY, for better or worse. Statues are coming down all over the place. Straight out of Marxist protocol.

    I have no problem with Scotty Laughton wearing that shirt. Nor with Provy sitting out. I have a massive problem with pressure being applied by virtue-signaling cowards to those who don’t conform.

    Who are the social and historical invalids who forgot or never learned what makes this country special?


  2. grundified

    Why has this post not been pulled by the mods? The #2 rule of this sub is “No politics.”

  3. DanTreview

    Where can I get that shirt? It’s dope AF

  4. thegoodnamesrgone123

    There are certainly gay players in the league right now and there is a good chance there are some in that locker room. Can’t feel awesome to know your teammate feels that way about you.

  5. zzKURUPTzz

    I can’t believe we still live in a world where people are butt hurt about men being with other men or women being with other women.

    If it isn’t in your bed, why should you even care? It doesn’t affect your life.

  6. milkisforbabies666

    I mean Provys statement was fine. “I respect everybody and I respect everybodys choices. My choice is to stay true to my religion” Religion is a big sham imo but condemning someone for their thoughts is a practice the country he grew up in is very good at. People acting like he beat up a gay kid during intermission need to take a breath and touch some grass find the next target to pretend to be outraged at.

  7. bungholio99

    This guy would in general deserve so much more attention.

  8. Constant_Milk_3579

    Give this man the “C” already

  9. yoitsbobby88

    Looks sad af lol blink twice if u need help

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