@Nashville Predators

The 7 Foot Center of Two Miamis

Most 17-year-olds are not 7’2″. Zach Brown is, and that’s one of the reasons he’s a top 25 prep basketball prospect in the class of 2017 who recently committed to Uconn.

Most 17-year-olds don’t grow up in Overtown, one of the roughest neighborhoods in Miami, before being adopted by a wealthy teammate’s father, moving to Coconut Grove and converting to Judaism. Zach Brown has, and it’s all part of a fascinating journey to the NBA that’s just getting started.

He takes us through all the ups and downs and introduces us to his two families in this VICE Sports Special.

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  1. He could of got to the Nba got paid helped his family then watever now a trans who going be doing watever for some change smh

  2. This is tragic! Who knows what Zach really experienced! How old was he when he was adopted?
    He may have been born with gay tendencies but being born into an unstable environment and later adopted by an opportunist (and God knows what else), only exasperated the internal conflicts he had.
    Clearly, Zach's physical needs were met so he had no reason to be robbing anyone- they were acts of rebellion against those who already had his life planned out for him; who had calculated the fortunes they'd make when he made it big; but that wasn't what he wanted- he went the opposite direction- being a "woman." I'm sorry he had such a hard life. I pray he finds peace.

  3. He took if you can’t beat them then join them to a whole new level Zach brown don’t even exist anymore

  4. Woow I was just literally watching a short documentary over Zach Brown… This is crazy he had a real rough life as a child I pray the Lord heals his soul 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽❤️

  5. Although No One can replace those whom created you it came off ungrateful because yes as his aunt you housed and cared for him bt, you clearly had NOTHING else pass that to offer him, instead of allowing him to have different and better than we all have coming from the inner city of Miami, they put themselves first and that’s what hinders him. The ignorance destroyed this boy whom was destined for so much more …

  6. Jewish ppl love you if you can play basketball as long as you’re good they don’t gaf you’re family . Used this man for their own benefits sad

  7. That white guy was definitely all about the money. He had dollar signs in his eyes 🤑🤑🤑🤑 Him riding off on a bike is hilarious since that’s what brought me here

  8. Zach Brown is a drag queen now…rocking booty shorts and halter tops all while beating the breaks of regular sized folks with bicycles. I AM NOT JOKING.

  9. All jokes aside, bro get your mental right and get around the right folks and come back! Be who you are. Gay, trans, criminal… whatever, damn this kid seem like such a pure soul. Who ever broke this dudes spirit should be ashamed. He seem like such a positive person. Wtf… smh.

  10. I seriously want to know what happened to him and why the fuck all these fake people didn't get him any help. RUN IT BACK ZACH

  11. Jessica Turberry 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂😂 Tis video didn’t age well 😂😂😂😂

  12. Mike did his Best to help this Kid become A Asset to his family & community,& his family & community failed him tremendously 😢

  13. He let that pearphiladelphia ruin his success. He could’ve waited to make money but I think that gardenhoe life appeals to these types due to the aforementioned pearphiladelphia. To be ex ex is to be used for chex.

  14. Born with the gift of height now work with what you have work out get stronger but work at your cordanation like dance or soccer but now a genderbender well if they can swim fight why not the WNBA but first college basketball but of course he will be a dike and date women and they swim in college well now it's basketball the world better get use to this it's the start better get ready for this to happen in all sports baseball boxing and this will destroy sports so girls train hard don't give up its unfair but so is life battle hard and you can over come but maybe he won't make it

  15. Dude, this man could have been the goat but he just ruined. this kind of stuff just keeps me up at night. ):

  16. This man robs and beats ppl and with his scary height he uses it as an advantage. He beat this man just to get his bike

  17. I have friends that's "Transitioning" and he sounds, carries and have their mannerism. At 4:44 he really sound feminine. At 8:30 he says "let me show y'all this article they wrote on me …Chileeeee y'all gone get me killed" he clearly sounds feminine

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