@Florida Panthers

Post Game Thread: Florida Panthers at Toronto Maple Leafs – 17 Jan 2023

Panthers lose: 4 – 5 OT


by HockeyMod


  1. Fire this bum ass Maurice, we’re never winning 3 in a row with him. Dude only knows how to lose and he does it too fucking well.

  2. GingerJoojr

    I’ll take the point if we play with spirit every game. That was what made last year special. Obligatory fuck the refs.

  3. Can we stop blowing leads? I get the officiating but the 3rd had none of it much less OT.

  4. PerplexedPantherG8R

    When all the dust settles it’s another blown lead and points left on the board. The legend of Paul Maurice grows.

  5. Ebergs94

    In Paul Maurice hockey, you stop playing offense in the third and just hope the other team does the same

  6. cl0udmaster

    all I can keep thinking is fuck this bum ass team

  7. MadIrishMan17

    Fuck the refs. Gave the leafs every single opportunity to keep them in the game.

    Our team played well overall but 7 penalties against is just momentum stealing. Gotta feel for Bob, he was standing on his head even after playing last night.

  8. Cash_man

    Refs screwed us. Either way I’ll take a point over nothing but fucking ay. These guys gotta play a full 60

  9. KatelynC110100

    Cloudmaster get out of here with your negativity

  10. KnightroZaxby

    Chalk it up as a fluky game and move onward. Need 2 at Montreal to keep the hope alive.

  11. himynametopher

    I really can’t blame this one on Maurice. Refs were on one. Even if the Maple leafs don’t cash in, the Panthers played a lot of time down a man.

  12. anonjohnnyG

    Apparently PM has personal beef with one of the officials hence all the bs calls

  13. Best Fivegoalsky performance I’ve seen. Did all he could with our mountain of PKs and getting doubled in shots. I don’t know if I’ve seen a worse reffed game but apparently the referee has long-standing beef with Maurice. Gotta keep the spirit and move on to Montreal

  14. Significant-Ring1652

    Leafs fan who just simply likes friendly debate… that gudas hit was beauty almost made me mad it was a penalty. Offociating def went leafs way tonight. Always a good game, barkov is still so sick….

  15. PearlJamPony

    First star of the night award was shared by Francois St. Laurent and Pierre Lambert for winning the game for Toronto with their shitty officiating

  16. Not_Sure_68

    The maths are getting really ugly. The Panthers need 54 of the 72 points(75%) remaining to them just to reach 101pts on the season and hope to qualify for post season play. It looks increasingly likely that metro teams occupy both wildcard spots this year.

    Florida desperately needs to put together an extended win streak to salvage the season…something they’ve been unable to do all year.

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