@New York Rangers

I know Trouba gets a lot of hate, but the replies in this thread make you think Jacob beat Armia with a hammer.

I know Trouba gets a lot of hate, but the replies in this thread make you think Jacob beat Armia with a hammer.

by Humanaut93


  1. universalremonster--

    This wouldn’t have even been posted if it wasn’t Trouba. He just caught him awkwardly in an area without padding, but it wasn’t even close to being a dangerous play. Literally the type of shove that happens 100x a game, but because it’s Trouba he needs to be ‘disciplined.’

    The most cringe part of it is the people calling Trouba a ‘pussy’ as if he isn’t one of the most ruthless open ice hitters in the league and frequently fights/defends himself from dipshits who take exception to clean hits. Totally the definition of a pussy, good job lads.

  2. snowball721

    Funnily enough this is probably the most illegal of the hits they love to complain about because it was an elbow. But thats, you know, a missed 2 minute penalty. Hardly something that requires discipline. Otherwise he’s basically mastered the art of blowing guys up cleanly. I think he’d be the poster boy for clean hits if he was in another jersey.

  3. Ppl have no idea what a clean hit is. They literally see a hard hit and call it dirty

  4. Richardya

    When you throw a hit with your shoulder, you always have your elbow out for balance, but the force is in your shoulder. The power comes from his body. When you throw an elbow, you swing your arm and it’s from side to side. It’s hard to explain in words but do the motion of elbowing someone in your chair and you will see that what Trouba did, is not how you throw an elbow.

  5. Onitiger2020

    Not a lot of guys can deliver big clean hits and win fights. That’s why everyone hates on him.
    Feel like this all started from that massive hit on the Islanders.

  6. EduardoTaquitoHands

    Stay out of there. Got into an incident with some poster on there. Felt it necessary to reach out to me 3 months after the initial thread to call me out. Lot going on in his life, obviously.

  7. This has to be the most absurd one they’ve complained about. I feel like any time in hockey when a guys going up ice like that and you go for a hit it’s definitely more challenging. If he moves out the way you try to get a piece of him to knock him off the puck since you’re pretty much beat

  8. legend1124

    I mean, I can see why people are mad about this. Trouba sees he’s gonna miss armia so he leans even further and throws his elbow out at armias midsection to hit him. I dunno whether or not it was intentional but definitely a reckless play.

  9. vertigounconscious

    Dirty? No. Sloppy? Yes, sure. But this happens 10 other times in a game without any recompense or recall from fans because it would usually catch a player in the arm.

  10. KralSoko

    Did he go into nhl mandated kidney protocol after this vicious body shot? He probably has CTE now

  11. Impressive_Ad8983

    How about the Chicago fans talking garbage? Toews is STILL the Captain of that team after aiding in the coverup of a teammate being sexually assaulted. Yet they’re horrified Trouba plays the game of hockey on the edge physically.

  12. These people would have an absolute conniption if they knew how hockey was played not even 15 years ago….

  13. The_Other_Manning

    Trouba throws elbows. Other teams are right not to like him

  14. AragornEllesar99

    A) it was an elbow and a shitty move
    B) his other huge hits haven’t been elbows, most fans don’t understand what a clean check is, they just see a guy on the ice with their jersey and cry about it
    c) its Montreal, who gets ten times more discussion than any other team, so their fan base is going to make a huge deal of this.
    d) kreider was pushed

  15. Darclite

    This might be the least amount of contact on a play that didn’t have contact to the head that I’ve seen people complain about ever

  16. chickichuglette

    Am I the only one who thoroughly enjoys the Pittsburgh fans whining about Trouba?

  17. guyzieman

    I love how salty everyone is getting over a play that’s a 2 minute minor at worst. It’s actually funny, everyone’s getting so soft.

  18. Tanker70

    Most of the top comments from MTL, TBL, and Penguins fans told me all I needed to know about that thread

  19. hojbjerfc

    Idk how any of us can excuse that hit. Blatently trying to injure an opponent. The crosby thing was a freak accident, and the jarvis hit was clean, but the elbows vs Armia, Guentzel, and that NJ Player(i forget who) are dirty, dangerous, and, imo, behavior unbefitting of a rangers captain

  20. HVCanuck

    When he played for Winnipeg he wasn’t known at all for dirty plays or flying elbows. He was tough and physical but also with some offensive flair. A great partner to Josh Morrissey, now a Norris candidate. Prone to some brain freeze moments, to be sure. I wonder if the big money, the bright lights, and the C have affected him. Feels he has to do more than he can comfortably do. Leads to problems.

  21. 4skin_fighter

    you guys defending trouba is actually embarrassing he clearly goes for elbow contact. legit homers.

  22. Really Twitter comments was your first mistake

  23. Stonewall30nyr

    It’s been the same with any of his borderline hits. They act like every borderline hits was a brutal mugging like what Wilson did to panarin, except they actually defended Wilson. The hockey and NHL subs are dog shit

  24. gleyberhood25

    That place is full of the biggest pussies on the internet

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