@Boston Bruins

Did Michael Bunting kick Trent Frederic? – Have your say!

Michael Bunting and Trent Frederic got into an altercation where they both received slashing minor penalties. Did the officials miss a kick by Bunting? Or an attempted slew foot? Or did the get it right and let this one slide? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. 100% leg kicking motion aiming ofr his leg/knee. should be minimum 2 games. If Frederic did this the Leafs would be loosing their fucking minds. More so than they are about Ullmark 'throwing' his stick

  2. Shades of Matt Cooke on Erik Karlsson. Carelessness like that can change a guy’s career. Suspend for at least 4 games

  3. I think it was a move to keep his balance, but it does look like a kick. If it was intentional, it wasn't very effective.

  4. These refs are out to lunch there goalie threw his stick no call they come back and score

  5. That body movement doesn't make any sense in any context other than an intentional kick, especially since the two were obviously going at it. But that's just typical leafs vs bruins stuff, these teams don't like each other.

  6. Last night on the sportsnet dangle watch-along the leafs fans in the chat were livid with the refs for calling them both. Kick or not the puck wasn't even close to them and he started it lmao.

    I know they don't represent probably the majority of leafs fans but my god what a delusional bunch last night over there.

  7. It looks like it could’ve possibly been more of a balance issue after he kicked his own skate, but at the same time it’s bunting so I wouldn’t put kicking someone passed him. Intentional or not id say some kind of punishment is warranted

  8. That must have been why there were matching minors on the play. I didn't see the kick originally, I only saw the retaliatory slash.

  9. Since he's a disbeleafer, and they are winning the cup, party planned , and sausage feast. He will get an award for being a disbeleafer and having won the cup already. No suspension or fine. Disbeleafer. He's as nice sweet fellow with ass fresh smell, I can smell him here in Ottawa, he will get an award for not injuring him. Why, they won the cup as with sausage feast award. Who cars if he may have ended a career, he's a disbeleafer and winning the cup, as with all the other perks is all that matters no matter what or who's career you end., ask Mathews, they already won the cup an deserve to be treated special.

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