@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: The real issue

The real issue wasn’t the refs, the diving or even the injuries.

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► ABOUT US: DK Pittsburgh Sports is the proud, pioneering, fully independent venture begun in 2014 by award-winning columnist Dejan Kovacevic and featuring a professional staff covering the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates year-round and everywhere they go! This is where it all started! And WE’VE only gotten started!


  1. Unless the status quo changes and Hextall finds the will and capacity to shake things up and make personnel moves, the next logical hope/possibility/wish is that Fenway Sports Group will consider replacing him. I have no idea how likely or unlikely that is.

  2. Tell you what this goal tending issues pretty hard to deal with I really wish I could’ve watch this game. All I can get are the highlights from the website and it did seem like every highlight. There was a power-play happening. I wish they would’ve shown the actual penalty that caused the power-play, but how could you ask the coach a question that’s going to get him fined how would you feel if somebody did that to you

  3. Sully is stubborn and arrogant.
    Hextall is fail, not qualified and shouldn’t have been hired.
    Burke is collecting a check and is more concerned about pushing an agenda on the players and fans.
    FSG may have bought the team with ill intentions.

  4. The most glaring/revealing stat from last nights game is the Pens managed a whopping 19 SOG's for the game in spite of having 5 power play opportunities. including overtime. I agree the fault is not with our first 2 lines…They have some capacity to create goals with no help from the D. The 3rd and 4th lines arent talented enough to do that. The D just isnt close to getting it done and creating transitions..turning D into O.

  5. What's your thoughts on getting a top 6 rw sniper? One of the most annoying things this year is the fact that this team is to pass heavy. If we grab a true top 6 sniper maybe that helps out the bottom 6 with a player like rust becoming a 3rd liner

  6. Hey DK!!!! (thought I would use the "Hey Mon" format to get your attention for this J1Q),
    Why why, why are the Penguins so poor in the overtime period??? They have lots of skill, it seems to me, and ice is wide open with 3 on 3. You would think they would flourish, but….not so much. What is the deal? Very frustrating to see all the points going down the drain….
    Thanks for your great job with this stuff!

  7. They are old. They choose to bring the core back that’s all in their mid to upper 30’s. Even their support guys are in their 30’s. They got nothing in their system. This is what you get. There’s no magic wand here. There’s no Trevor Daley for Rob Scuderi trade type here to be had.

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