@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: That energy thing

That energy thing this team’s been missing … now might be a good time to rev it up

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► ABOUT US: DK Pittsburgh Sports is the proud, pioneering, fully independent venture begun in 2014 by award-winning columnist Dejan Kovacevic and featuring a professional staff covering the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates year-round and everywhere they go! This is where it all started! And WE’VE only gotten started!


  1. Dk I really think the malkin line has been attempting to be the only line to carry the team on there shoulders the last few games. The number one line still seems off? Where is Crosby?

  2. I’ll tell you what the penguins look really really bad when they are chasing trying to defend that statement probably goes for everybody but it just seems like whenever it’s the Penguins it just looks so much worse in my viewing eyes whenever turnovers happen the reaction to start back checking is so slow and glaring. It’s just shut it off chalk it up as a loss.

  3. The Canadiens have arguably had a more depleted defensive corps over the course of this season.

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