@Philadelphia Flyers

Flyers defenseman boycotted pride event last night

Ivan Provorov refused to wear the team’s LGBTQ+ warmup citing his religious beliefs to do so.

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  1. Sicko Leftists destroying everything sacred and pure!

  2. Ivan the Great! Much love and respect to Ivan Provorov! I appreciate his courage and bravery! He just earned a new fan! I plan on buying his jersey despite being a Rangers fan!

    Much resect to the coach Torts too for supporting his player!

  3. He’s a bad guy because he’s catholic but if he was a Muslim, there wouldn’t be a peep.
    Canada is bending over backwards to import Islam. See any mosques with LGBT flags?

  4. People need to boycott the Flyers until this player is off the team. We will not accept anti-LGBLTIQ hate. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

  5. Who cares. All the sensitive people can’t handle someone didn’t love them. His choice. Leave him alone.

  6. I started my boycott once the NHL supported Marxism. Now this? Good for Ivan! What does sexual preference have to do with hockey? Not wearing a rainbow doesn't mean you're homophobic. Starbucks fired an employee for not wearing a gay pride shirt for their religious beliefs. The WEF is out of control. Man, these 2 fools got me all worked up. Lol

  7. Who the hell do this guy thinks he his to say we encourage players to make better decisions! You don’t get to decide what’s better

  8. Boycott feels strong like if he was actively protesting against LBHTQ+ community. That wasn’t the case.

  9. I will definitely buy a PROVOROV jersey today and go to the match with Chicago. I will be wearing it until the end of the season.

  10. Im tired of people hating Provie, im a Caps fan and I admire Ovi, but this hate you have for Provie cause he wouldn't wear a stupid ass jersey grow the fuck up and be an adult if you don't like his opinion turn off your TV and open a fucking book.

  11. Why if I choose to dislike a lifestyle , that’s considered hate ?, why should a player have to participate in something he is not proud to help out in . Why does the media choose to demean someone if they don’t want to agree to help …. It seems my chooses in life are not allowed if I disagree with the media maybe the media shouldn’t force its opinions down peoples throats ! Do people not have free choice anymore ! Now that causes me to hate and it’s that I’m not allowed to differ with what they decide ! It’s like Russia has decided what’s best for Ukraine , well I support that players right to make his own choice , leave him alone bullies !

  12. "Boycot.."

    He just didn't want to be involved in your little child rape cult. You nasty sub human FA@@OTS

  13. Now it’s you guys who are reporting on something so stupid that are taking away from the night

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