@Dallas Stars

Jake Oettinger Throws Mask Onto The Ice, Receives Delay Of Game Penalty #Request

Uploaded by Alyssa Hope
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All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. it's not safe to take a shot to the mask without the straps done up,, it's amazing how refs don't care about the safety of the goalies,, insane!

  2. So what should the goalie do when the helmet breaks and is bouncing around there head? Just leave it on and hope they don't get hit in the face, or a goal doesn't go in while they are blinded by the mask? What a shit call in my humble opinion.

  3. I thought there was a rule that if the mask gets hit by the puck the play is automatically blown dead, for safety!

  4. If they can shake it off with their head alone they blow it dead… If they tear it off with their hands it's a penalty… This has been the way for years… The amount of people surprised and upset by this is amazing….

  5. Yeah… of all calls they miss they are penalizing him for wanting his helmet to be where it needs to be and in a position to save his freaking life when 100 mile an hour rubber bullet is coming.

    The rule for blowing the whistle is for their safety. In no way was he trying to do anything other than pro text himself….

  6. For those confused it took him more than one swipe to come off. Always shake it off with out your hands

  7. It's one thing if it falls off on it's own. But if you intentionally rip your mask off to get a whistle, that is unsportsmanlike.

  8. I saw this same play last year and no penalty. It's a safety issue no? He's almost required to do that if something goes wrong with his equipment.

  9. Jets fans remembering Helle got nearly knocked into next week with no call so yeh… this is full circle

  10. Like bro wtf, how hard is it to be like “oh the goalie took the puck off his mask, maybe I should blow my whistle” bunch of goofs out there on the ice. OR before assessing the penalty go check his mask for a broken strap you bums

  11. I understand people being mad, but that was a delay of game call all day. It's not like his mask was super loose or anything, you could barely notice the strap and he took about 5 seconds and 5 tries befor taking it off. That shit was a textbook call

  12. Would love to see this kind of penalty specifically "pending". Call the penalty, but if there was a valid reasoning (player safety) then resume play with a faceoff in the defending zone. If it was truly a delay of game then so be it and the call was made.

  13. This is why the NHL will never be accepted by the mass American audience. The rules change based on who is playing, what period a game is in, how many penalties each team already has throughout a game, and during OT and playoffs. It is absolutely BEYOND inconsistent and I do not blame Americans for not being able to get into hockey. What a complete joke the refereeing is in this league.

  14. clearly there are a lot of you in the comments that don't play the position, its actually pretty hard to take your mask off that easily if your straps were on properly (even with the swipe it wouldn't come off that easy).Worn and fitted properly, masks are normally form fitted to head and face, when a mask is loose and you could take another shot to it, would be damaging to the head. Im with oettinger on this one. refs need to know better.

  15. wonder why the stars weren’t more visibly pissed about the penalty. they didn’t push back at all. if I’d been otter I’d have been screaming at the refs over that.

  16. I don't know why goalie mask straps keep popping off all the time nowadays. Get better technology for them because stoppages like this are always annoying. This legit happens every 5-10 games now.

  17. I know he has previous for various douchebag behaviours, but this is a shithouse call and unrelated. The guy’s mask broke ffs

  18. This is another reason why these teams have to stop giving the refs or linesman any medical attention, let them suffer on the ice , or who cares if they die, and it should also be made public where these refs are staying at, which Hotel's and what airline and times they fly out, screw them

  19. It take 10 seconds wearing a goalie helmet to realize that once one strap is undone, your view is partially obstructed and the helmet is no longer properly spaced away from your head to adequately protect you from a shot. You have to shake your head like you're in an 80's metal band in order to get the helmet off of your head without using your hands, which takes your eyes off of the play and puts you at risk of getting hit by a puck when you're not expecting it. So yeah, goalies are not going to risk getting hit in the throat by a 100mph shot because some shmuck on the internet said they need to shake their helmet off instead of taking it off with their hands.

  20. Oh but Hellebuck's mask literally comes off from an opposing player and 4 passes later goes into the net and no whistle…

  21. You NHL refs are plain fucking idiots, blow the whistle for Jake, for fuck sakes, you guys are gonna give him an penalty cause his Strap is lose?! Jesus Christ what kind of an officiated game is this?!

  22. The same thing happened last year with Demko vs NYR in Vancouver. Demko didn't have his glove on and was forced to make 3 big saves WITHOUT his damn glove.

  23. Unfortunately this is the risk you take when you purposely take your helmet off, especially since the Rangers were in possession of the puck and have a scoring opportunity. Safety of the player should always come first, but you can't take it off like that to stop the play when the opposing team has possession. Good call, but a tough one.

  24. I thought the refs freeze play when a goalie gets hit in the face by the puck. Every league I played in, when I took a shot to the face, the refs blew the whistle and inspected my mask to make sure I was okay and my mask wasn't damaged

  25. Not sure what is worse, the refs calling that a penalty or the fans cheering for it. I get being a passionate fan, but player safety has to come first.

  26. The ref called it because he saw how hard it was for Oettinger to get it off and figured, if it's that difficult, he was fine leaving it on. Whether that's the right call, I don't know. But that's the reason. If it came off right away or very easily, it is obvious that there is an issue, and they'll almost always give the goalie the benefit.

    Personally I think what the NHL should do, which would both protect goalies and still enable delay of game penalties, would be to immediately stop play if a goalie tells them there is an issue with their mask (provided there isn't an immediate scoring chance…recall a goal being scored OFF of Tim Thomas's maskless face). Then, check to see if there is in fact an issue with the mask. If there is, no sweat, it gets fixed and the goalie isn't put in danger nor penalized. If there isn't, then it's a delay of game penalty. This is far better than forcing a goalie to either play with a damaged mask or take it off entirely, which can also be dangerous.

  27. There used to be a Rule over here in the UK, if a net minder was hit on the helmet , play was stopped, sensible rule to me

  28. Foff GT's for this trash, thanks refs for maing the right call, Foff Dallas announcers (although their DJ is the best besides COL)

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