@Vancouver Canucks

Canucks Fans Chant 'Bruce, There It Is' After Successful Coach's Challenge

Watch as Vancouver Canucks crowd brings the chant once more, after their successful coach’s challenge on Zach Hyman’s goal.

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  1. Done with this team well never win with this ownership group. Traden bo final straw for me…sell the team

  2. Im confused. They say this as a good thing right? I like him as a coach but is it disrespectful to chant it, especially when they're losing or do they say it ironically because of the ownership and management

  3. All the Hype He Brought in Didn't deserve it bringing Kuzmenko along He's is a great coach next coach next year possible Toronto

  4. I’m an Oilers fan and ofc wanted them to win, but a part of me wanted the Canucks to tie it so Bruce to go out on a high. The way he’s been treated is embarrassing to the Canucks organization, not Boudreau. He’s been all class. Not sure how any self-respecting coach could willingly walk into the clusterf**k that currently is the Canucks.

  5. Done with my season pass, until the ownership changes! Total disrespect! Should have let him finish this season. Nucks will never make it to the playoffs with this changes! Total insane! With Myers and Miller in your roster, you will have the lowest hockey IQ ever!

  6. So from what I understand about this coach:
    He's being secretly fired but still has to go in to play as if he wasn't. Upper management were already looking for his replacement while he was still working as a coach. So he's being fired before his contract is up or something? He hasn't lost a season but his coaching stats are about average? He's a nice guy and coaches in a so-called 'gun and play' style but has weak defense (aka Canucks)? Trying to find out what's so great about him other than having class and being nice. Only played 1 season with Canucks.

  7. Just a question/thought…..Do guys like Jeff Marek/Elliotte friedman and all the "hockey Insiders" who are upset with how this Bruce Boudreau situation has been handled bear any responsibility? I mean they are always leaking news/trades/health issues that otherwise most people would have no clue about. I barely follow this type of off ice stuff but it's impossible to ignore as it's on every intermission & sports show and I get it's a business but these players/coaches are human beings and perhaps the "hockey Insiders" should think about what they leak, and talk about so public. I also don't know if the above names were the ones to leak that Bruce was going to be fired for Tocket and it's more so just something I have thought about for a long time. To talk about someone in the way they do (trade deadline day/Free agent frenzy etc should we rethink this due to all the mental health issues it can cause? It seems it affects players/families quite a lot and I also get that they get paid lots of money and it's a public job. It just seems we shouldn't get mad at the GM's/ management so much when the insiders are leaking it and then we are all talking about it so publicly which is making it worse than it would have been. All that said, Bruce is a class act and in the end "Bruce there it is" being chanted by the fans is gonna be something Bruce always will remember.

  8. I think we can all agree that $100k/yr is a great salary. Average person works 45 years. Guess what? Bruce just made that for a year of coaching the Nucks.

  9. Can you imagine? So we"re firing you, but the guy we hired for you job has to give 4 weeks notice so we're going to need you hang around.
    That's like a company asking you to train your replacement before they fire you. Rutherford is so classless.

  10. Love Bruce, love the fans, rooted for Vancouver to win, NOT goalie interference. God the refs have been abysmal this year.

  11. So what would happen if management was like, ok we’re keeping Bruce Boudreau because we can’t find a more qualified coach. Would that redeem them in the eyes of everyone?

  12. I thought what the Panthers did to Gerard Gallant was bad, the way Boudreau was treated by the Canucks is unbelievable yet he still shows up to work and try his best to win games

  13. The talent on the Canucks is average and I think Bruce did a good job with the team. It was a 500 team under him. This is about control and it many be years turning this mess around. Rutherford is given a "F" grade so far! All the Best to Bruce!!

  14. As a Vancouver born Capitals Fan, I'm glad I don't support this sad organization. Many of my friends have also turned their back on the Canucks. Everyone should get some blame for the season, but Bruce definitely not. He's been a successful coach for many years, this would never fly in any other industry. Let alone a "professional" sports league.

  15. Love Bruce. The Vancouver media has contributed to this fiasco, too!

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