@National Hockey League

Bettman: The poors are still complaining? Let them eat cake.

Bettman: The poors are still complaining? Let them eat cake.

by subhuffer


  1. fancyding

    Where are those “ it doesn’t effect watching the gameplay” people now

  2. intelpentium400

    Imagine paying to watch this. Piracy or GTFO.

  3. According_Arm8384

    This is really bad, and I hate the ads, but I hate them more when I can’t see the puck in the air along the boards….it’s sometimes unwatchable

    Edit: spelling

  4. To this day it still pisses me off they chose to spend a ridiculous amount of money on CGI for ads, rather then improving and expanding player safety, the very reason they are able to operate and they don’t spend money on improving it.

  5. nogomet365

    they could have just sell ads on jerseys but they wanted this. some jerseys like in football would look much better with some name on it

  6. MarsupialAltruistic1

    At least it’s a Publix ad lol
    Still hate this garbage tho

  7. ExperienceNo7751

    End it. Now. It’s noticeably distracting, the ads and graphics animations especially when puck is in play is infuriating. Pretty sure everyone who wants to gamble is aware they can

  8. pangaea1972

    The temporary eye patch is becoming closer to permanent every day with that fuckstick ruining our sport.

  9. Hockeylover420

    I would much rather have LED panels in the boards than digital ads

  10. RosesAreFreeGH

    I was excited about the NHL season but I stopped watching. You can’t have digital ads while play is ongoing. Ads should only happen during stoppage

  11. Throw_Trash_3928

    People don’t tune in to a hockey game to watch hockey. They tune in to learn about grocery stores and phosphate mining.

  12. SaulTBalls

    NLL has 0 issues with their digital boards

  13. DominionMM1

    People are complaining about this? I thought everybody loved it.

  14. Judge_Rhinohold

    The poors prefer these virtual board ads!

  15. throwawayyourfun

    I think my favorite moment was when my local broadcast was calling out a special moment for the home team and they had something special on the boards and the broadcast showed the digital ad instead of the special static tribute. It was great.

  16. Basic_Ask1885

    It’s perfect that it’s Publix too, for all the NHL’s performative and sanctimonious diversity and inclusion efforts.

  17. Never seen that on a Dallas Stars broadcast either.

  18. CreateorWither

    I like it better this way because Gary told me!

  19. CrypticGorillaCaulk

    These are anti-ads for me and my friends since we hate them so much, instant boycott.

  20. burningapollo

    Publix does have good king cake though….

  21. TSAdventure

    The ads can’t keep up with the action, it’s a terrible blur. The games should not be allowed to be advertised as HD since they are not clear at all.

  22. learn2die101

    Oilers Canucks national broadcast last night was borderline unwatchable.

    So many moving ads. The game before the ads were vibrating on the boards all game??? Fix your shit or get rid of it… preferably the latter.

  23. AccomplishedCod1234

    The flames games always seem to be terrible for that.

  24. godzilla_gnome

    They should replace the players with betting percentages on skates

  25. The_BusFromSpeed

    Yet another reason why I’ll never pay to stream a game. It’s a pirate’s life for me.

  26. Catssonova

    I’m pretty lucky with mostly still ads on the Wings broadcast. I only notice a player cut out occasionally, usually when they are falling down and the AI can’t quite compensate for it. I still miss seeing the beat up boards.

    I have no problem with the ads if it means hockey can grown, but alienating the fan base with poor execution isn’t going to help.

  27. HarrisonHollers

    I haven’t seen anyone bring up the point that advertisers who already paid for the physical boards at arenas are losing out from exposure with digital boards? Aren’t they pissed off?

  28. nolesfan2011

    These are awful, should just be static ads on the boards that aren’t distracting

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