@National Hockey League

All I can see when I look at the “Best goalie set of the century🔥🔥”

All I can see when I look at the “Best goalie set of the century🔥🔥”

by BarryLonx


  1. TheButcher57

    Lol, it took me a second to find it, well done.

  2. LuckyPretzel

    When your team’s defense doesn’t fuck things up enough for the goalie.

  3. -Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_

    Those unis are so dang basic. I feel like every team in the league at this point has over 12 different uniforms and the creativity is starting to dissipate as more and more come out every year.

  4. LuckyPretzel

    Whatever it takes to close the five hole.

  5. Revolutionary_Bar155

    Those pads look so comfy – I wanna sit on em

  6. victorspoilz

    Pretty sure if the goalie had put the pads on opposite sides so that the cactus comes together (which MUST have been the idea, right?) it would’ve been a lot harder to spot the double-tip D.

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