@New York Rangers

Broadway hat for Mika

Broadway hat for Mika

by lionson76


  1. Ch33zw4g0n

    Nice to see the Rangers organization clothing the homeless. That hat will keep his head warm during those harsh NY winters.

  2. Him or Shesty deserved it. Honestly kinda shocked Shesty didnt get a star last night

  3. TwoRight9509

    How they didn’t triple shift him at 7 minutes remaining – and an empty net – for the hatty – is disgraceful!

  4. Maleficent-Comfort-2

    Ayyy! Starting the play offs early?

  5. jhick107

    Living overseas, not coming from a hockey background and really only being interested in watching and following the Rangers my question is this – is there a better first time shot at goal on the left wing than Mika? Seen him bury so many first timers unmarked from the left over a number of seasons – glorious to watch!

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