@Montreal Canadiens

Josh Anderson Trade Value Higher Than EVER Right Now

Habs Josh Anderson’s trade value is going up a lot lately, could he be worth up to two first round picks?
Montreal Canadiens forward Josh Anderson trade value.

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  1. Great Video Drew. I would love to keep him but for me, a bit too inconsistent for 5m. He looks good half the game he plays. I say sell high!

  2. If the Habs continually trade away their good players, we can rest assured they won't win a Stanley Cup for another 30 years.

  3. 1) No contending team can take his cap hit right now. 2) He’s the most inconsistent player on this team, other GMs obviously see that he’s invisible for half the games he plays. No one is going to mortgage their future for a player like that. 3) Just because there are a lot of offers on the table doesn’t mean they are good ones. I bet half the calls are from bottom feeders who think they can get him for cheap as a cap dump

  4. Considering how much Toronto payed for Nick Foligno, I would say, yeah Montreal could get 2 firsts.

  5. You don't pay Josh to score a bunch of goals but what exactly does he do to be worth all those phone calls? He skates fast and hits like a freight train, he scares the hell out of the opposition! You think Slaf can get to his level and more? He doesn't have Anderson's speed, acceleration,stick handling and pure toughness. A 4th round pick that is better than a 1st overall will ever be and you wanna trade him? Players like Anderson are rare, very rare. He leaves and Suzuki/Caufield will be targeted believe me. His upside is his ability to intimidate the opponents to understand that he can and will target them if they play to injure our star players. Arber is a good fighter but Anderson's speed makes him a beast. They are scared of him crashing into them and ending their careers. How many #1 pick before you get another high speed, tough all over the ice and does still have offensive upside. If they were to redo the draft he came out of, he would have been a top 3 pick. Our 1st overall is a good kid but talent wise? Not fast, not quick, not a shot close to Mesar or Caufield, not a great puck handler, not a fighter, not a protector and certainly not a top 6 player ever. 2022 was not a great draft year.

  6. If Habs get 2 1st rounders, that would be great! The difficulty with Anderson is that he is not consistent…

  7. Yes you are about right. Better get a offer you can't refuse or he doesn't go! He's a solid piece to this new upcoming team

  8. no i do not think he is worth 2 1st round choices. BUt there are many power forwards like Josh. But we shall see i guess?

  9. Dock is getting btter match him with DOC and another good fast left winger and that could be a very good line Slavkosky on left wing

  10. I don't see it. A first round pick yes, but not 2. He's not an impact player unfortunately. And his contract seems long for a player who can disappear every other game. He's not a bad player by any means and on the right team can help them get some secondary scoring. But he's not consistent. I have a feeling that's something that will bring down his value.

    FTR, I don't really want the Habs to trade him. I like the guy. But he also only scored more than 20 goals once in his career. He's not someone you can count on. He's a depth forward. And he would look great on a team that needs depth forwards. If we want the Habs to win another cup, it's not going to be with a guy who scores 19 goals , 42 points a season on the top 2 lines. Unless of course he accepts playing on a 3rd line on occasion but at 5.5M it's pricy.

    So if he stays, then ok. But if a team who is willing to take the contract off the Habs hands for a top pick, then that's good too. It's win-win.

  11. Awesome video Drew. I love this time of year with all the trade talk 😀
    I can definitely see a scenario where a team dishes out "an offer Kent can't refuse" for Josh Anderson.

  12. He could if it’s to a team that looks like they’re gonna be late first rounder , like to Carolina , Boston, colorado ect

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