@Vancouver Canucks

Former Canucks AGM Chris Gear on direction of franchise, retooling, signing Miller over Horvat

Chris Gear joins to talk Canuck to us. The former AGM has a most interesting perspective about why the Canucks operate as they do, and shares some of the realities of hockey operations have to deal with. He also comments on why that department has seemingly lost touch with their fans and the market.

*This interview was recorded before the Andrei Kuzmenko extension*

Presented by @AudidowntownvancouverCa (

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  1. Obv move is to trade for an NHL calibre top 4 D, been like that for 2-3 years. Seriously, what does a bad season cost?

  2. Trade out winner players . Keep the rest of the lemons ….??great plan. Then new Rick coach blames everybody for the loosing team AGAIN

  3. Looking back at Benning s Era it seemed Jim was swayed to easily by the media. Jim doesn't care. And this is what is needed.

  4. Can someone explain to me how Jason King has a job in the NHL running power play systems. Played 59 NHL games and scored 6 PP goals. You get what you pay for I suppose.

  5. The city doesn’t necessarily want a “ winner”……it wants a team that works its ass off every night. It wants a team that when other teams come to town, they say, “ shit, we have to play these guys tonight” instead of “ “hey, let’s go clubbing after tonight’s game”.

  6. Someone, anyone, needs to ask why on earth everyone wants to continuously "Re-tool" while missing the playoffs and not even being close to contention. I get a team with a slew of great players combined with a bunch of young assets coming re-tooling to fix the mix… but the Canucks are not even close to that. Ya they have 3 or 4 guys… who cares? That's not going to get you a cup without serious other pieces coming which the Canucks do not have.

  7. No hope for this franchise. What happened to Bruce was disgusting. BRUCE got us through last season with a huge winning record when he took over. And management did nothing in the offseason to address the defensive problems and the power play or any issue . And then scapegoated him for what management and ownership did absolutely nothing but whistle and twiddle their thumbs. All they did was point their fingers. And blamed Bruce.

  8. Nice echo chamber you guys got going on. You certainly wouldn’t want to hear any different perspectives on your show. This is all getting old.

  9. Management should put hidden cameras like in Big Brother ans find out what the problem characters are

  10. Love Chris. A solid take on hockey. I love hearing the difference between guys who work in the business and those with a radio degree covering it.

  11. Trade Bo he has great value because you have disparaged JT ad nauseum. Obviously JT had no trade value the way you speak of him. Bo is the way to go. Get over it!

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