@New York Rangers

New York Rangers Pride Night sparks controversy | The Athletic Hockey Show

In this segment from the Monday edition of The Athletic Hockey Show, Ian Mendes and Julian McKenzie discuss the controversy surrounding last Friday’s New York Rangers Pride Night when players were set to wear Pride jerseys and use rainbow stick tape for warmups, but did not end up donning the custom-made gear without explanation.

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  1. They have Jewish community night where they light a menora and sing songs, italian heritage night, south asian heritage night, every so often a heritage night of various stripes.

  2. Typical leftist propaganda machine hide behind their ideology. And stop exploit LGBT, trans, and Feminists groups.
    You see the common themes they can't reproduce.
    So you wanna promote them whoever opposed will be prosecuted by SJW.
    They are attacking religion, family and traditional men. Your gig is up anybody with half brain can see what's going on. Globalist goals are to reduce population at all cost. Energy cost going up sky high if you lower 3 degrees. that will kill older people they will die with respiratory disease. Inflation who's benefitting in the end mass people will die of hunger. poor people. this was all intentional from the very beginning. New world Order. Don't think that it conspiracy it's happening they are executing their plan and unfortunately sheeps are cluless. Blood on yout hand helping their cause you are being used and you don't even know it.

  3. I don't really get the wear our symbol or you don't stand up for us mentality. If you fight injustice against the LGBT community on a daily basis but don't wear a pride sticker you are not an ally? I have many Muslim friends and none of them demand I convert to Islam or wear an Islamic symbol they know I support them with my actions. Just because you don't want to celebrate a lifestyle or put their symbol on your clothes doesn't mean you don't support and respect those people. I can confidently say I have never ever worn a Jewish, Christian or Muslim symbol in my entire life, does that mean that I have been hating these groups unknowingly my whole life?

    I don't think calling people "not allies" because they did not wear your symbol is furthering your cause, I'd say it will be of detriment to your cause. People generally don't like it when you put labels on them arbitrarily and you will get more enemies than allies from that type of behaviour. Imagine calling a whole hockey team anti-semitic because they did not all wear a Kippah during Jewish community night warm ups? That's just plain ignorance.

  4. They showed true pride out there. They were not ashamed of who they are and what they believed in. They stood their ground and didn't bend the knee to tyranny.
    The LGBTABC is simply tolerated because they whine the loudest, that's all it is.

  5. I think he would be surprised how many would not wear it , knowing there would be zero consequence.

  6. One issue with letting skaters choose to wear the pride jersey is that it actually gives a platform to people who don't want to be inclusive. Yes, they are legally allowed freedom of speech in our country, but do we want the hockey rink to be a display of hate when we are in fact, trying to make it the hockey rink of acceptance. Should a LGBTQIA hockey player accept this? If professionals are going to come out and say "No to Gay" in a big way like NOT wearing a pride jersey for a warmup (not even a full game) I can only imagine the way LGBTQIA issues are being talked about behind closed doors and in the locker room. What I'd like to see is one of these teams that hasn't done a pride night yet pull together and stand UP for LGBTQIA in a way that says "we all don't feel this way and in fact, we welcome you. But I do agree that if they can't get behind it in an authentic way, then they shouldn't. Otherwise its just exactly what most people already assumes it is – a PR stunt to make NHL feel better about their lack of inclusivity.

  7. I support the adults being with who they want to be with, and presenting yourself as you chose. But men are not women, children cant concent to sexual activites or being sterilized. That's my line in the sand with the LGBTQIP2SAA.

  8. The NHL, or any other corporation aren't the moral arbiters of the world. We watch to be entertained not lectured, and preached to. Get the divisive pandering politics out of sports.

  9. Being gay is nothing to celebrate, plain and simple. How is it “weird” to have beliefs according to one’s religion? What’s weird is celebrating other peoples sexual preferences, and forcing others to do it. What kind of idiots need people to wear a jersey to feel like they are included? Get over yourselves. First they want tolerance, then celebration and now you must participate – or else. See the pattern here?

  10. Being religious is different from being spiritual, and loving your neighbor doesn't mean you condone or support their actions. My religious friends do love me, but they don't support me doing things they believe to be wrong, sins , or whatever…

  11. I want to know the real allies are. Wtf is wrong with these ppl. Why do we need to support this. This is scary af.

  12. Was this really a story ?
    This is the first video or tweet seeing seeing the NY rangers.

    Have listened to Ian for 8 years, and athletic subscriber. But really disappointed in him.

  13. Good on the rangers. I don’t know why we need to have these WOKE messages throw at our face everyday. Pride, Color of your skin etc. Especially in the US, little kids are taught about same sex and Color of your skin at school. It’s sickening

  14. Please can someone explain to these guys what religion and the right to express it is lol. Just allow people to do what they choose ffs.

  15. Hard to do warm up when say 8 guys said no thanks that's why I think they wore the statue of liberty …would have been big unwanted stink…

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