@Edmonton Oilers

How can you not love hockey?

The NHL had an absolutely awesome moment in last nights Edmonton Oilers vs Chicago Blackhawks game. Now only did Matt Berlin get to be the EBUG Emergency Backup Goalie for the team, last minute he found out he was actually going to be the backup for Campbell! He got his rookie lap on the ice and all of that in itself would have been great. BUT, with just over 2 minutes to go in the game, the Oilers made the classy decision from the players, to give Berlin an opportunity of a life time to actually go out and play in an NHL game. He made 1 stop for a 1.000 save percentage and can forever talk about this story of getting to play in the NHL. What a special moment and makes you remember one of the reasons we love this great game of hockey!

#nhl #highlights #edmontonoilers #chicagoblackhawks #ebug


  1. As a lifelong backup myself, I couldn’t help but get goosebumps watching this last night. Great post. 👍🇨🇦

  2. I do love hockey, but they need to keep the politics out! That's why people watch, to escape and enjoy something they like. And I wish more goalies would try for the open net during a game, if they got a good opportunity! I'll just say one more, RON HEXTALL! 😁👍🏾

  3. Also note that this wouldn't have been possible if the game was close. Oilers put up a touchdown which gave them the flexibility to do this.

  4. How could you not love Oilers? They are awesome to give him this opportunity…he will remember it for lifetime!🧡💙

  5. with 4 guys with 60 points you’d think that team wouldn’t be scratching at the door of the playoffs

  6. Easy. They are turning what was an enjoyable pastime into a political campaign for LGBT rhetoric. It has no place in sports. It's coercion designed to influence children and normalize child grooming and body dysphoria/mental illness and uses bullying tactics to do it.

  7. and of course being the reverse retro, his jersey will be rather unique among those who only played in 1 game.

  8. The pilers are in a great place right now for team synergy. Let's hope that translates to some on ice success.

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