@Pittsburgh Penguins

Jon Gruden talks about Raiders game vs. Cleveland Browns – Oct 28, 2020 Raiders head coach Jon Gruden on the upcoming game against the Cleveland Browns. Oct 28, 2020. #Raiders #RaiderNation #JonGruden


  1. Excuses Excuses…..Gruden how much more of PG do you need to see 3 years of Raider bad Defense. He calls bad plays look at the bucs game 3 and 13 and the Running back comes out the backfield nobody covers and gets a first down🤬 game over…. Raider Nation is tired of bad Defense!!!!!!!’

  2. WTF Gruden 10 year contract your going in to year 4… Offense gotten better but D sucks under PG what are doing not making a change. Don’t take 10 years for granted Raider Nation is tired of losing!!!!!

  3. Jon Gruden is among the elite that doesn't care if he spreads a virus to others…The NFL should take away their first round pick and fine him a million bucks… Even Bill Belicheck gets that masks prevent the spread of Covid. Sean Payton is another clown spreading the virus in New Orleans….Maybe a 1 year ban should be considered like they gave Greg Williams during bounty gate. Does the NFL truly want to protect its players and the fans? I fear not!

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