@Philadelphia Flyers

Alphabet mob ATTACKS Ivan Provorov (gay guy reacts)

An unhinged mob of alphabet activists is attacking NHL player Ivan Provorov for the dumbest reason imaginable. Gay conservative journalist Brad Polumbo reacts and breaks down the story.

#libertarian #bradpolumbo #nhl

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  1. Gino's Redda, you are despicable! Go ahead and wear rainbow colors all day until the cows come home but stop demanding others to think like you. I hope you get fired

  2. Sid the carb filled marshmallow.
    Our family is of the same faith and we love Ian and back him 100%

  3. So inclusive RIGHT lets penalize you 1 million dollars because someone with different values doesn't agree. Funny how the 90+% of people who are so mad and upset are the MEDIA personalities and not those who are apart said group. Also why is this being done in January I thought June was pride month..

  4. Funny how the left pushed the anti bullying movement but if your thoughts don't align with theirs then they bully you

  5. вы даже не понимаете, до чего вы деградировали….чтобы отказаться от свитера с извращенцами надо оправдываться… почему? ваша страна – колония, а извращенцы вами правят?

  6. Thank you for stating the facts! I admire gay people who are not all rainbow pride everyday everytime! It just gets old! As a gay man myself I feel really disgusted with the LGBT and Trans agenda. It doesn't mean anything anymore! It's just useless! I don't like to use the label for me because I don't want to be associated with these ALFABET people, who I don't share their values at all.

  7. As a straight christian woman, I want to thank you for personally defending our right to indifference. Even if you dont necessarily agree with our beliefs, it's really nice to hear that members of the gay community dont all see things the same way and just being respectful of someone elses rights is true inclusiveness.

  8. Gay people are going to be the ones to suffer in the end, just like women on sports. All due to this insane woke ideology. Iam all for people to be whatever they want to be, but when you push your ideology into me, that's a big NO from me!

  9. Thank you for making this video. Why is it that it's the people outside of a particular social construct that seem to think they are helping by being outraged for said social construct? When all along a majority of these folks don't want or need that attention.

  10. ЛГБТ – порождение сатаны !!! Верим в Бога, верим в свет, только вера победит тьму!!!

  11. The coach is like apologising….😀😀 Since when real men shoul explain themselves to gays?..😂

  12. Exactly.. When did your own personal beliefs become someone else's decision??? Just like the trans or pride movement to have a belief, it's also for an individual to have his own belief…

    What the trans people are doing is dictating what everyone should or shouldn't do, by threatening people… If you don't agree with us we will cancel you, harass governments / police / businesses until you are cancelled or shamed publicly…

    So as the saying goes – "Actions speak louder than words", in this case, the trans movements actions are harassment and bullying people to follow their ideology!!!!

  13. I'm PROUD of him. Thanks brother for standing up for God. It's harder than people think , we're judged for everything nowadays

  14. ваня красавчик забайтил миллионы тупоголовых которые не уважают чужое мнение браво 👏

  15. You’re “just” gay? You may as well be a straight white male, you privileged bigot. Hold on a minute; my tongue is caught in my cheek.

  16. I believe that most reasonable people get this, but this is just another example of how the media is doing their best to write the narrative and "speak" for everyone when they really have no clue what everyone is thinking and believing. The media just wants to jam theirs and the far left wing's beliefs down everyones throats while most of the population knows how deviant they are.

    I really respect what you said because you said what most people believe and agree on. And you stated it so simply. Great post Sir.

  17. Адекватный ответ на не адекватную ситуацию. На сколько я знаю в Америке есть закон “freedom of choice and beliefs” если это на самом деле так, то наш хоккеист не сделал ничего такого, он отказался в вежливой форме от того что ему навязывают. 🙌🏻 тут главное Freedom of choice! Я толерантный человек, и Рада что есть такие люди как ты кто может криптический мыслить и видеть что тут что то не так.

  18. Seeing people like you and the positive comments supporting Ivan gives me hope that there are still sane, rational people in the world.

  19. This occasion displays the priorities of certain members of the gay rights community. They don't care about thanking the people who support them; they only care about scalding those who don't.

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