@National Hockey League

Sounds about right. Opinions?

Sounds about right. Opinions?

by Redditor101354


  1. 75Minnesota

    Is there any evidence that Zegras said something about Stecher’s dad?

  2. SteakMan43

    Ryan reaves humbling Zegras would be amazing to see

  3. Ijustwerkhere

    Reaves doin everything he can to stay relevant

  4. BoysenberryAshamed59

    Lol you 20-something Zegras fan bois are adorable

  5. michealgaribaldi

    There isn’t a multiverse around that has Ryan Reeves playing on the same sheet of ice, at the same time as Zegras.

  6. Good for the league. Not in big guys taking out danglers way just in a this kind of rivalry and controversy gets people talking

  7. SweatyCockroach8212

    Can’t hit what you can’t catch though.

  8. CBJFAN38

    Thought the kid was cool at first until the NHL shoved him down our throats. Idk if it gave him an ego boost or he’s always been a dick but tired of this kid now

  9. 190octane

    Maybe they should all play with ball gags if the hurt feelings are this bad.

  10. Electric-Lettuce

    Reavo never even tweeted this lol. Also, why does everyone seem to hate Zegras now? He never said anything about Stecher’s dad and that’s been confirmed, so I don’t really understand the mob mentality around him all of a sudden.

  11. Radio_Special

    Shut your pie hole Ryan -Marchand probably

  12. dudeistpriest710

    I love him now that he’s on the Wild.

  13. nerdcoffin

    Reaves probably shuts up Stetchers all the time. Only he is allowed to bully people!!

  14. thanatossassin

    Ducks bashing coming from outside the division…

    *sips tea*

    Happy Saturday to you guys too

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