@Ottawa Senators

The Senators All Star Break Report

It hasn’t been the breakout season that the Sens had hoped for, though they are not out of the race yet.

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  1. Not good enough for the playoffs, not nearly bad enough for the Bedard sweepstakes… year has been a bit frustrating. Still hopeful for the future though.

  2. Looking great in the white. Sens have made forward progression with all the players that matter. Really need a top 4 RD. Could be internal Lassi/Docker Should have a look down the stretch to take the job. If they don't management has to make a big trade. I think it's most likely Debrincat/Brannstrom that we see moved. Sens don't need a big name, just someone reliable and consistent

  3. Damn Shannon knows nothing about this team suprisingly, says forsberg has been good all year, hamonic has been pretty good in a top 4 role, says the team isn't making progress when they are playing meaningful games late into the season (which was the goal)… I shouldn't be suprised tho, you really just get regurgitated stats on this channel

  4. Even though the odds are not good, they have right now 51 points, remember 2015, the odds at the time wasn't good at all but they made the playoffs that year, who knows, maybe another miracle could come, who knows

  5. I think the Sens should trade out Talbot to maybe an LA or a Vegas. Then make a package deal to get Demko. i would try to trade out Hamonic as a rental. Brannstrom should be traded aswell, especially with Kleven set to turn pro next season, and is a huge upgrade in itself. If there is one defenseman I would have my eyes on and Dorion should have kept around was Dylan Demelo. Chabot played his best hockey with Demelo and thats the guy I would want back, and have Zub paired with Sanderson. Coaching change, yes, and if I was Dorion, I would hire Boudreau as the next Sens coach, and move DJ to Belleville and coach there instead of Bell or take on assistant under Bell. I think DJ would be a much better fit in Belleville over Ottawa, and let Boudreau run the reigns on the flagship. As much as the record of DJ has been bad, he has done well developing the young core and in Belleville, I think would be invaluable. As far as Debrincat goes, thats a tough one. As disappointing as some find in Debrincat, he was brought in to help the power play, and with Giroux, they jumped from 19% to 27%. I think he got better once paired with Grieg, but if he is still stuck on getting near 9M per, I trade him out. They need the cap space for Stutzle and Zub's new contracts and to make it work, they need to really think about either trading Norris or Debrincat. With Stutzle, Grieg (who shouldnt be dropped down to Belleville again), and Pinto, there isn't room anymore for Norris, unless of course they move norris or Grieg to the left side to replace Debrincat( which I can also see happening). I like Norris, but I can ( I said can) see Ottawa trading him, and he has issues staying healthy as he has not played a full season yet, where Debrincat has and only missed 40 games in his career, whereas Norris missed more than that just this season alone due to the same issue he has had in the past. They cant keep Norris if they decide on Debrincat and try to find 12M of new cap space without really hurting the rest of the core, but one big piece has to go, but if they decide to keep Debrincat, Norris gone frees 8M. Debrincat would be 6.4M. Trading Zaitsev (which I think is possible this off-season) is another 4.6M, Hamonic gone is another 3M, Holden 1.5M and Brassard 750K aswell should be gone. After that I don't see any major moves on depth until after next season when the cap hits for Ryan, Murray, and Del Zotto are off the books, freeing up 4M more in cap space to put the finishing touches on the depth, and thats when I see Ottawa making a major push for the playoffs, is when that dead cap money is gone, but the defense better be fixed by this off-season. Its such a crap-shoot on keeping Debrincat over Norris and vice-versa as you could move Grieg to the left side paired with Norris and Giroux, but Debrincat is a far more reliable player as far as health and I always learned "If it works, don't mess with it" and that jump in the power play, sides me more into re-signing Debrincat and trading Norris, but thats my opinion( if Debrincat's price is right and re-signs to Norris money and not the 9M he presumable is asking for). Hes not worth 9M, but if they can get him locked up for 8M per, i would re-sign him.

  6. The Sens are right where we wanted them to be. Playing meaningful games into the spring. 6 points back of a playoff spot at the break. Pretty good considering how terrible their D has been most of the season. Playoffs weren't the goal this season. Even Giroux said so when he signed here that next season would be playoffs.

  7. Team needs consistency. They win games more convincingly than they have in past years, but the lows are still there. They go on skids and loose confidence, but seem to be getting better at managing the ups and downs. This team always seems to bring it together at some point through the second half. Hopefully they end up a few points out of playoffs and play meaningful games down the stretch. That's all you can ask for at this point.

  8. As an outsider of the sens fan base one thing is really stands out to me. Talbot was incredible last year before he was benched for fleury. Murray and gustavson are both doing better this year since leaving the organization. There is something to be said that the good goalies are having a hard time winning here.

  9. John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

  10. Watching the Sens when they are ON is some of the most exciting brand of hockey. But there’s games where individuals looks flat and it ends up costing them the results.

  11. I am not suprised now, this is what I thought the Sens would be competing for a playoff spot. But Buffalo is over due to make the playoffs, so we have nothing to complain about. Them Vs Buffalo as they will end a 11 year playoff drought.

  12. At the start of the season I believed that the Sens could make the playoffs, but with the shoddy play in November, injuries to key players and other teams simply playing much better (ex Boston), the Sens will have to wait until next season. They will still be playing meaningful games in March and April, but too much has to go right for them to make it to the post season. Changes to the GM and coach are required and will be coming after the sale of the team.

  13. They need to solidify the defensive groupings, sign Debrincat and ask NYI to talk to Trotz.

  14. Trade debrincat, he’s going to ask for too much money, and offence is the least of Ottawas problems. You can never have too much offence but we really need to address the defensive side of the game, and worry about staying under the cap

  15. I cannot wait to see Brady Tkachuk in the playoffs also Timmy Stutzle would be exciting in the playoffs

  16. With Debrincat I think the issue is that A. he doesnt have as big of a role as he did with the hawks and B. He hasnt integrated with the team yet, he still looks like someone who is unfamiliar with his teammates and the structures. I think he wont hit record goal totals because of his reduced role but if/once he creates bonds with the rest of the team/linemates/systems, he will be more consistently good.

  17. I feel like we're one good top 3 defenseman and a 4th line faceoff guy away from being a fringe playoff team. It's pretty darn close.

  18. Lazy video upload by Shannon. Sens are actually 24-23-3 and only 6 points out of a playoff spot.

  19. Maturation with the young players is definitely a big piece, but also just building chemistry in the lineup. Lots of changes in the off-season bringing in Giroux, Debrincat, and Talbot.

    Honestly not sure what changes should be made for next season, if any.

  20. The progression of the group of young players around a veteran in Giroux seems to be working more and more as the team gels, Greig coming in looks like it sparked them into a different gear. Fingers crossed they can push into the playoffs and surprise us with a run but regardless they look like they will only be getting better the next few years.

  21. My team has been too inconsistent to qualify for the playoffs.
    -Talbot is not a starting goaltender and the defensive coverage scheme isn't helping one iota. It actually makes Chabot look like a pylon at times. Chabby needs a 1A defender beside him.
    -While I wouldn't mind bringing Travis Hamonic back at a reduced salary, the defense will have to look completely different going into next season and so too will the coaching staff. Jack Capuano cannot properly manage the defensive side. DJ Smith is too beholden to players he's familiar with to the point where it's a detriment.
    -Playing dump and chase with this level of talented top 6 forwards is not conducive to their development.
    -Fire sale of their UFAs, except for Brass and Motte.
    -The new owner(s) will most likely have a final say about the coaching situation.

  22. Call me crazy but I feel like we could probably convince DeBrincat to re-sign for around 7 mil per.

  23. So far this season has been a bit better but the slow starts to the season seem to be a continuous issue for the Sens. The tandem of Talbot and Forsberg has been up and down but there's been some great games played by both. Jake Sanderson has been an amazing edition to the team, should be in the Calder conversation but most likely will get left out due to how it's more based on overall points. Ridley Greig in his 4 games for the Sens played great on a line with Giroux and DeBrincat. Tkachuk, Stutzle and Batherson never fail to amaze me with their talent, plus Giroux and DeBrincat have been great editions this season. Even the forth line of Kelly, Watson and Kastelic (when playing together) provide endless energy. As a Sens fan it's best to stay optimistic for the future but nevertheless I do agree the rebuild is not over at all

  24. I say it's a coaching problem. Slow starts have always seemed like a thing with Ottawa since DJ Smith started coaching. When Ottawa play well, they do well offensively, defensively and good goaltending. If you already have all that in place, you need to look at the coach. Probably with the change of ownership, both Dorion (for not changing the coach when he should have) and DJ Smith for not preparing the team properly and slow adaptation. DJ Smith proved when he was the defense coach of the Leafs that he was a big 0 in defense. Hockey is more than just bang and crash which is the game DJ Smith wants to play. Of course DeBrincat sucks in that style of play, he's a small skilled player.

  25. 🍻

    i would take Talbot just another year if he wants to stay, just so Sogaard can marinate 1 more season in the A.

  26. Hey Shannon, I agree with you on most things put I just wanted to point one thing out. Austin Watson hasn't played good for Ottawa whatsoever, appears to be a great off-ice guy in the locker room but he is supposed to be the 'tough guy' and he lays limp after dropping the gloves. Decent on the forecheck but besides that he's pretty much useless and many Sens fans want him gone. Great video!

  27. Glad to see someone who likes Forsberg. Think he’s been left out to dry too many times, but it’s nice to see praise. Only disagreement would be the MVP, I’d probably go Timmy. Just a personal opinion though, with his progression in his overall game, especially with him getting the most minutes of Sens some nights showing how valuable he is in every situation.

    Going forward, this team just needs to transition. New front office and bench, some of the loose bits of the tank squad. And owners. Amazing videos Shannon!

  28. I think the pieces are all there, it’s just gonna take one or two trades and time, they are gonna go from bottom third to top 5 in one year

  29. This is just speculation but imagine if the sens traded for Demko, they might need to give up some good things but i think its possible

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