@Edmonton Oilers

All Star Break Photo Dump: Oilers Vacay Edition

I *think* everyone is done posting their vacay photos now so I thought I’d do another photo dump recapping the various group vacays that happened over the break. Enjoy!

by Excellent-Medicine29


  1. Excellent-Medicine29

    – Bouchard, McLeod, Holloway, Campbell, Barrie & Murray were all in Cabo. It sounds like Jack will be getting married at the same resort July 2024!

    – The Shores were in the Malibu area, they met up with the Nugent-Hopkins’ and the Ceci’s!

    – McDrai went to Turks & Caicos

    – Kane & Fam went somewhere troipical but never said where and I couldn’t tell where based on photos.

    – Klim went to Miami

    – Yamo said he went to Banff during the break.

    – Nurse & Fam went to California as well but they went to Disney.

    – Kulak said he was going to Palm Springs with his fam

    – Broberg said he was going back to Bakersfield for the break.

    – Vinny went home to Montreal

    Idk about the rest of them. But it sounds like everyone got lots of R&R and had a good time! Nice to see alot of the boys spend their time together.

    * All the photos I found on Twitter & Instagram*

  2. Dang who’s between Barrie and Campbell there? (Pic 10)

  3. Excellent-Medicine29

    Jack in that group photo makes me laugh. Looking just a teensy bit wasted there 💀

  4. Electricalthis

    Thats some team bonding shit that wins championships

  5. I hope nobody was left out. That could be awkward…

  6. haha girl hiding her face in pic 1 is in pic 9

  7. Interest-Vegetable

    …I heard a flamer beat greasy McDavid… (we won’t win a cup, but we’ll definitely kick McDavid every now and then. (Cheers and enjoy the vacation, canada for life!))

  8. KimJongPewnTang

    Lmao that pic of McLeod on the green had me rolling

    *ONE OF US!* *ONE OF US!*

  9. ABoyNamedSault

    Aha. I think we’ll all be looking at even MORE pics of Oiler players golfing, soon enough. 🙂

  10. The day I see a hockey player with an average looking girl will blow my mind.

  11. MissionIncredible

    Lol, is the girl Soup is leaning on in Pic 9 the same one who was hiding her face with Holloway in Pic 1? (͡•_ ͡• )

    But seriously, how awesome is it to see the “new kids” and the “vets” all actually hanging out and vacationing together during their extended breaks?

    Not to mention Drai just chirping away happily while he and Skinner and McDavid are bonding at the All Star game etc

    I know there’s a ton of demand for new players to get added, but there’s something to be said about the power of a team that truly plays FOR one another with 100% intensity because of genuine family-like bond.

    It’s too bad Klim wasn’t in the pics. I wonder what he got up to

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