@New Jersey Devils

All you guys wanting a Hat Hat, check out what’s probably the new “player of the game” headwear.

All you guys wanting a Hat Hat, check out what’s probably the new “player of the game” headwear.

by xxfatpigxx


  1. Jballzs13

    “Well well well, check out the big brain on bratt”

  2. Devil_Dane


    All the other teams wish they had this kind of super swagger (plus a damn good sense of humor).

  3. MountainBaker8217


    I was wondering if this team was going to do anything like this this season.

    I think a couple of season’s ago we had that like bomber jacket thing that the player of the game got. Looks like for the second half of the season its the Hat Hat.

    Love a good time locker room.

  4. d00md0ge

    I walk 15 miles a week through midtown and I will do it all wearing this if I can get my hands on it.

  5. liamowen30

    So glad this made it from the NFL to the NHL, but the fact that it’s Bratt in the “Hat” hat makes it 10x better

  6. Louxneauwytz

    Giant ‘hat’ hat >>>> broadway hat 🤮🤢

  7. “Does anyone know where I can find the giant “hat” hat?”

  8. Traditional_Shine882

    Imagine Jack got a hatty tonight and nj devil throws that monstrosity of a hat on the ice

  9. Schnevets

    Devils content guy, I know you’re reading this you insomniac. Please get the graphic design intern to draw a Dr Seuss-style book cover for the *Bratt in the Hat* with Zetterlund as Sally, Nico as the boy, and Mercer and Hughes as Thing 1 and 2.

  10. scarlet_stormTrooper

    Had my Hat Hat on and at the game 2nd row in front of the OT goal

  11. cabeener

    So when will the team start selling these?

    Fuck foam fingers, give me the mega Hat hat

  12. Clevelanduder

    That with two mini kegs with hoses on either side (chin strap strongly encouraged) would be champ looking

  13. EditorCorrect6768

    Interesting. Tn at the game I received a pin labeled pin and a button labeled button

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