@Buffalo Sabres

Dylan Cozens gets the Tage Thompson contract. $7.1M x 8

Dylan Cozens gets the Tage Thompson contract. $7.1M x 8

by xBialyOrzel


  1. What a god damn steal

    Says 7 years in the tweet though?

  2. OpabiniaGlasses

    Hell yeah! ~~But still a very fair contract for both sides.~~

    Good thing Kevyn listened to the “Tage had set the internal cap” guy and got Cozens slightly under Tage’s cap hit.

  3. doublebr13

    Nice….let’s get Dahlin and Power done also

  4. YepImanEmokid

    Cheapest high quality top 2 C in the league? Cup window wide open.

  5. ryebread3097

    We’re really setting ourselves up to have some great value with our contracts, assuming these guys keep performing like they’re trending. The cost per point might be the best in the league soon

  6. Boys are leaving money on the table to keep the group together !

  7. stalktheground

    This is what having a competent GM feels like

  8. helikoopter

    Absolutely stunned and incredibly thrilled.

    I thought he’d get $8m+.

  9. SomeSabresFan

    LETS FUCKING GO!!!! That’s all I have to say about that.

  10. Kevyn Adams is a god damn S-Tier GM holy shit

  11. lestgobuffaslug

    Having your 1C and 2C under contract for at maximum 17% of the cap is amazing. We could be set for a while hopefully.

  12. zeroultram

    So as someone not too familiar with NHL contracts. Why should he sign this contract so early? Doesn’t he think he’ll be worth more in 2 years?

  13. Buffalo_Mickster

    This is amazing. I think it really goes to show the kind of culture and team KA has built. The top 2 Cs both take hometown “discounts” to stay together and make it so more guys can be signed to stick around long term as well. Effing love this team. Effing love these guys. So excited to watch this core grow together.

    Side note really hoping KA sticks to his guns and doesn’t mortgage some of the future to make a playoff run this year. Let the kids grow together and earn their spots up and down the lineup. We don’t need to rush it. #SabresByABillion

  14. Musician-Quick

    Fun times in Sabre land again! Adams and his staff have been making great decisions. You have your 1C and 2C locked up for the next 7 years. Awesome. Now get Dahlin done in the off-season. He will probably be the highest paid Sabre but that’s cool with me.

  15. Green_hippo17

    We just got a fucking deal. Our top 2 centers are both 7 millions dollars, this is huge

  16. Psychological-Win228

    This gives me hope we might sneak dahlin in around $9.5-$10. These guys want to be here and if Rasmus signs a deal like that with the money left on that table by those three you’ve got yourself a real competent top 6 winger salary to work with on those savings alone.

  17. michael_le95

    Watch as Dahlin gets like an 8×8 or something like that idk how KA is signing the players to these crazy contracts with so much value

  18. SergeantBleuCheese

    I am convinced Adams is a wizard now. It’s not a fluke

  19. The paid horse from Whitehorse.

    That’s a solid contract and he gets an UFA shot at 28. Seems like a win/win.

  20. Survivorfan3838

    If this isn’t proof of guys WANTING to be here and taking team friendly deals, I don’t know what is. HUGE win for the Sabres and just makes you love Cozens more

  21. Freeyourmind917

    Adams really did it, that son of a bitch

  22. Timotheus2443

    I already came once today but I’ll fuckin do it again!

  23. Killswitch__AUT

    I am fucking STOKED to say the least.


  24. beef4206977

    What’s that squeaking sound? Can’t put your finger on it?

    That’s our window opening up babes. We got our studs

  25. doctormirdock

    If adams can get Dahlin, and power locked in for $18 mil total. I’ll absolutely shit

  26. Practical-Eggplant98

    Dilly freaking Dilly! Lets goooo

  27. DusterJ16

    Love having our top two center signed for just over 14 mil combined. At first I wasn’t a fan of the Adams hiring since I thought he’d be another yes man for the Pegulas but he has proved he’s a great GM so far

  28. Freeyourmind917

    The boys are in Bahamas right now bragging about who’s going to make less money. Dahlin incoming at 7 x 7.05

  29. WAY cheaper than I expected. I wonder how much of this is due to these kids wanting to be a part of the Sabres resurgence, and giving a discount so they can secure more talent around them.

    Either way LFG!! Lets go Buffalo!

  30. seeldoger47

    With Cozens’ extension, here is how the Sabres’ [long term cap structure looks on paper]( Getting Tage and Cozens locked up long term for $14.2M per year gives the Sabres a lot of flexibility. A nice bit of work by Adams and the rest of the front office.

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