@Florida Panthers

Mascot Gets ASSAULTED By Rival Fan In Front Of Entire Arena

A Tampa Bay Lightening fan at a recent NHL game against the Florida Panthers assaulted the team’s mascot in the stands, but is it real or staged? Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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  1. Why do people feel so comfortable putting hands on a complete stranger like that? Isn't that something that we all learn in like preschool and kindergarten, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!! Or is the simple fact that a person is in a costume, dehumanize them that much to some people?

  2. The mascot handler is standing right there with her hands in her pockets. As a former mascot, her inaction scares me… what is she there for??

  3. only in this day and age will people video rather then step in and help the guy. all about the views and clicks pathetic.

  4. I cant believe on lookers just let him do that. Assaulted that person in the suit. I wish that mascot would've popped off and beat that ass. Gave him everything he had coming to him.

  5. Remember when a soccer team in South America held women and children only games because of the rampant violence the men were causing? Remember all the "men" in the comments section spouting misogyny, false facts, homophobia, and putting their hypocrisy on full display? Remember when they said an all female audience wouldn't never work in America because women don't support the WNBA (a massive false equivalency)?
    👆 are they seeing this video? 👆
    I'll sip my tea while y'all come up with a new excuse to defend the violence and hatred men continually perpetuate.

  6. Oh rick. Between your videos of cops assaulting people and your obsession with Skip Bayless, you've really fallen from grace with this one. The rat didn't care, the handlers didn't care. Nobody cares.

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