@Pittsburgh Penguins

NO ONE did anything about this…

In last nights Pittsburgh Penguins vs Colorado Avalanche game, Cale Makar took a blindside hit to the head from Jeff Carter which was troubling to see. What was also hard for me to understand, was how no one the Avalanche team did anything about it. In an age where every big hit leads to a fight, I would think something like this would absolutely be ground for players to stand up for their star players. Especially one of Makar’s calibre. I cover this in todays NHL hockey highlights recap.

#nhl #highlights #hockey #coloradoavalanche #pittsburghpenguins #calemakar


  1. There are unintentional collisions that are penalties. Shit happens in hockey, there's nothing anyone can do about it. You're right, they should've stepped up for Makar at the whistle.

  2. It's jeff carter.. he doesn't do that. and it's a low key friendlier game against these two teams because of Nate and Sid

  3. Makar 100% turned into Carter. Carter maintains skating on his line behind/beside Makar and makes no move to initiate contact with Makar; i.e., he doesn't lean into him at all. I'm certainly not a fan of Carter but I don't think he did anything wrong. His track record, as you've pointed out, proves that he isn't that type of player. I agree with you that more penalties should be called for head contact, whether the head is the primary point of contact or not. But, I don't think this should be an automatic penalty like you suggest because of this exact play as an example. If they start doing automatic penalties, you're going to see a horde of morons doing flying headbutts to initiate a power play. I'm exaggerating a bit but fringe players will do whatever they have to in order to stay in the NHL.

  4. Someone needed to shit down carters neck. Even if no penalty gets called he gotta answer

  5. If the ref didn't see it how are you to expect the players to see it? How are you gonna call a penalty when Carter was watching the puck and didn't change his position prior to or during contact. The only one to change position is Makar. This is just accidental contact and although unfortunate its not penalty worthy at all.

  6. He turned into his lane. It's it own fault. Incidental contact is just that. Av's fans need to calm down.

  7. in real time he looks like hes just skating by I think thats why no one reacted

  8. No way that was intentional. Pens guy was not even looking at him, was turning towards the puck to engage in the play. At the same time Makar turned his head towards the play tucked it down a bit and was about to move to the play. These two just accidentally collided.

  9. This can really rattle a player though – because concussions are brain damage. I noticed he grabbed his head immediately. Habs have half the team out with injuries – that got me thinking, let's say 3/4 of the team went down with injuries. But the players union insists that the players are the product. So if the fans are seeing 3/4 of the team with a much lower salary, shouldn't ticket prices be discounted proportionally or partially refunded for those games? Something to think about – they really haven't thought player contracts through even though they're lawyers.

  10. Makar turned into Carter as Carter was about to skate by him. I agree with the non call. I disagree with a blanket policy of calling a penalty anytime there is a hit to the head, because there are times, as in this case, where the contact was incidental and unintentional and a penalty is not warranted.

  11. when a player knocks someone down with a hit to the head….he should have to sit out until the injured player can return…no matter how long, or if ever. If the league did this there would be far less of it.

  12. Bro how do you want this to be a penalty especially when you said it was an unintentional blindsided collision on both parties. That makes no sense

  13. Last video: There's too much retaliation!
    This video: There's not enough retaliation!
    Just making a joke, I agree this should have been answered

  14. Players coming back from protocol only to miss games after. What's the point?
    Get well soon Cale!

  15. Not sure if the others saw it, including the ref (who should have). McDermid would have addressed it, but it was a 1-goal game. With the Avs struggling with points, due to half the team being out w/injuries all the time, Carter was lucky it was a 1-goal game; the Avs need every point. The hit appeared to be intentional, but I've seen worse. At that point, later in the game, going down a man would not have been good. Bolts already had 2 PPGs. Tough call, for sure. The refs missed it, no doubt, and hoping the cobwebs clear out quickly.

  16. If it was the Penguin's player hit in the head, can't you just picture Crosby whining to the refs for a penalty? That's their M.O. for every hit, clean or not.

  17. The person who should be doing something about it is wearing black and white jerking off two feet from the play pretending they didn't see anything, not his team mates. The officials are the root of the NHL's problem they are BAD across the board.

  18. whether it was unintentional or not, I do feel as though the lack of response was kind of wack. it's your star defenseman. it's Cale freakin Makar. It's still incidental contact to the head and the refs had a responsibility to call that. someone should've confronted them or carter.

  19. He turned into the hit!!! Automatic penalty??? For what? He may have a concussion but it wasn't Carter's fault. As Makar turned into him, Carter braced himself. He didn't extend his elbow. It was just a fluke.

  20. I wish they'd done less. Playing with your head down and then exploding into theatrics is a silly little sideshow that needs to be eradicated from hockey entirely.

  21. And there were 3 knee on knee hits literally the next game, also no calls. League is a joke rn 🤡

  22. No call. You can’t call a penalty on dudes bumping into each other. This is a impact sport. If you take the physicality out the game is golf.

  23. Gotta question Makar on this one a bit.. For an NHL D man who gets forechecked that was a SOFT amount of contact and I am 94% sure he was just trying to get a call

  24. If you watch the video Carter skated in a straight line. Makar was leaning right, then proceeded to follow the bouncing puck and turn and skate left. When Makar started to go left he inadvertently put his torso and head in Carters path. Had Makar not turned to his left when he did there would have been no contact.

    Illegal Check to the Head – A hit resulting in contact with an opponent’s head where the head was the main point of contact and such contact to the head was avoidable is not permitted. In determining whether contact with an opponent's head was avoidable, the circumstances of the hit including the following shall be considered:

    (i) Whether the player attempted to hit squarely through the opponent’s body and the head was not "picked" as a result of poor timing, poor angle of approach, or unnecessary extension of the body upward or outward.

    (ii) Whether the opponent put himself in a vulnerable position by assuming a posture that made head contact on an otherwise full body check unavoidable.

    (iii) Whether the opponent materially changed the position of his body or head immediately prior to or simultaneously with the hit in a way that significantly contributed to the head contact.

    by consideration (iii) this was not an illegal hit to the head.

  25. As an Avs fan, I'm absolutely speechless that nobody stood up for Makar. The entire argument that MacDermid is a deterrent for hits like that completely went out the window. Dude was literally on the ice with Carter right after that and did NOTHING.

    We desperately need Landy back. I know for damn sure he would have responded to that immediately.

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